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"Mayaaa" a soft mellowed voice called out . My eyes slowly flutter open , darkness surrounds me in an endless black hole . " maya" the voice calls out once more . "Hello , who's there ?" I call out, my voice cracking while looking around frantically, my heart thumping loudly in my ears .

Suddenly I'm thrusted into a different setting. "My childhood park?" I question looking around . "Maya" I stood frozen in my spot hearing the voice once more . No it can't be them....................right ? Sweat began to form at my hairline.

"So you can't turn around to see your old man ? Your mother ?" I slowly began to turn and I'm meet with the most beautiful image ever  ,my mother and father .

"Mom , dad is that really you ?" I question tears already cascading down my cheeks . " yes baby it's us come here" my mother spoke softly opening her arms engulfing me in a warm hug , my father also wrapping his arms around us .

I slowly broke down in their warm embrace. Being with them was the words greatest gift to me .

"What am I doing here guys , what's going on ? " I say once I've settled down . "We're here to warn you sweetie , Gabriel is coming and you must be able to protect your loved ones" my mother says holding my chin in her hands

" I can't mama, I'm too weak , I've been running my whole life I can barely protect my self " i cry . "Sweetie , the last thing I told you was not to doubt yourself , your stronger than you know , you can do this , you have something now that you didn't have then............. You have a family, you have friends. Don't let them take that away"

"We have to go now sweetie, remember your stronger than you know , we love you" they say before I'm thrusted back into reality.

"Maya ,  thank goodness your okay" my eyes slowly flutter open only to be closed again due to the bright light , once settled i look around to see everyone huddling around me. Seth and nessy clinging onto my body tightly . "What's wrong guys?" I sit up immediately ignoring the seering pain in my back only to wince

"You we're thrashing around in your sleep , and foaming at the mouth , you scared the fudge out of us maya" esme mumbles worriedly , her hair is tussled as if she had been running her fingers through it constantly.

My eyes immediately soft as I felt her emotions hit me head on . Worry    Stress       Sadness   "I'm sorry lovely , I promise I didn't mean to scare you like this " my arms snake around her waist as I pull her into to a warm hug . If she had a heart beat it would be hammering out of her chest right now . Carlisle walks behind her before gathering her into his arms and giving me a kiss on the head

"I'm glad your okay maya , you gave us quite the scare there" his eyes cast down looking at the spot where I once resided. My fingers lift his head as my lips softly kiss his forehead for reassurance. "I'm okay papa, I promise, you don't have to worry , im a big girl"

"What exactly did happen short stuff?" Emmet asks sitting his big bulky frame beside my much smaller one . "My mom and dad came to visit me" I say recalling all that happened in my dream , or should I say summoning . "I thought they were................... You know........................ dead?" Emmet says.

Rose again quickly slapped emmet over the head with her perfectly manicured hand while scolding him about his language "when will you learn to read the room and word your sentences right emm?" She frowns crossing her small arms with an intimidating scowl etched onto her beautiful face. I see Alice giggle at emmet in the corner of my eye and jazz smile .

" sorry , but there was no other way to say it" emmet mumbles rubbing soothing circles on his now stinging head. "It's ok emmet I understand" i say before I let out a little laugh . "Anyways this is the first time I've gotten a visit from them, since they died and they came to give a some ................words of encouragement that i so desperately needed" I say as I feel Edward engulf me in his arms .

I must have really scared them. Edward never initiates intimacy with me , I always have to hug him or show affection. He's basically crushing my bones right now . "Umm ..... Edward I-I can't b-breathe" small huffs of breaths escape my lugs and cascades out of my parted lips . He immediately lets go after I say this to him.

"Sorry , I didn't mean to hurt you , I just got a little carried away." He mumbled hanging his head low in shame . I tilt my head ,eyes studying him ......cute .
"Its fine Edwin , I understand, you know I would like another hug if you don't mind giving one" I say holding my arms out .

He smiled before leaning back into my arms . "Big softy" Jake mumble but of course everyone heard him. Paul laughing and Bella smiling at us . Our small moment was interrupted by a knock on the door .

I immediately go on guard while my body stiffens . My hair shifts to platinum white and my eyes slowly turn red and blue shining brightly . My golden aura rolls off of me in waves. "I'll never get tired of that" emmet smiles staring at me . "Who else knows you live here babe?" Paul asks walking up behind me

"No one , I just bought this house 3 weeks ago , I'm the only person who knows about it , I even mind wipe the relator" I say floating down the stares with emmet and Paul hot on my heels. I stop at the front door before looking behind me , I give a small head nod before thrusting the front door open .

Only to find nothing .

But there lies on my welcome Matt and letter ......

From: The voltori
To: The Cullens and their new Mate

Hey guys ...... I'm slowly updating

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