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"This isn't the way to your house" Jacob shifts in seat glancing over at me .I look over at him, his tight fitted shirt sticks to his toned chest ,his dark eyes pick up every move I make . "Says who my little wolf" a small smirk playing at my lips. He scoffs rolling his eyes in the process, drama queen.

I glance up into the review mirror , Paul , Seth and renesmae are huddled together sleep . The corners of my lips lift into to small smile . If someone would have told me I would be smiling months ago i would have thought they where nuts .

"Maya, you ok?" Jake asks looking over at me once again. "I'm fine , and to answer your earlier question, since I decided to stay I thought I would need a bigger house so I bought one" I shrug slowing down to turn into my driveway.

 "I'm fine , and to answer your earlier question, since I decided to stay I thought I would need a bigger house so I bought one" I shrug slowing down to turn into my driveway

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My other mates follow close behind my vehicle before coming to a stop behind me . I shut the car off tuning around in my seat to wake Paul up . "Paulinaaaa , wake uppppp" I sing running my fingers through his soft hair . He stirs before letting out a string of cuss words .

I giggle at his disoriented state , his thick brows furrowed in confusion, his small pink lips in a pout all while reaching to undo his seatbelt.  I open my door and walk to the other side of the car to wake up Seth . " Seth , baby wake up" I softly say before brushing his long hair out of his face and undoing his seat belt .

"Maya ?" He asks fluttering his eyes open before raising his head up to look at me . " yes Seth , it's me, we're here" . I reach over to grab nessy and lay her on my shoulder before grabbing Seth's hand leading him to the house .

"You need help maya?" Rose ask's walking beside me  into the house . " no I'm fine rosy , thank you for the offer tho" I walk into the house as everyone follows behind me . "Wow maya your house is huge" Seth's says his mouth gapping open .

I chuckle " thank you Seth , but this is your house as well , wherever you want to come over you may as well please" I say recaching down to kiss his forehead . "Really ?" He asks again , his eyes sparkle as he looks at me. My heart beat sped up . "Of course Seth" i smiled .

He smiles again Turing to look around. "Maya you really live in this big house by yourself?" Carlisle asks walking up standing behind me. "Not anymore , I have you all now" I say looking back at him . Everyone's mouth hung open . "Short stuff please don't play right now , your really staying?" emmet says walking towards me .

"Yes Emmy bear I'm staying" my eyes soften as he looks at me , before I know it he's pulled me into a passionate kiss , As his lips connected with mines my body automatically melts . "You just don't know how happy we are you hear that maya" rose says from beside me .

"Ok ok enough of the sappyness , let me show your rooms" I say passing nessy to Bella leaving to kiss on her sweet lips .

After giving everyone a house tour and showing them to there rooms , I retired back to my room getting ready for bed . I took the liberty of having a wordrobe installed in everyone's room with every piece of clothing they might need .

As I put on my sleeping clothes I here I knock on my door . "Come in" Seth slowly opens the door peaking his head in .

Seth's pov

He felt so stupid but he didnt want to be without maya , being away from her for to long started to feel suffocating to the young wolf. "M-maya , I'm sorry to disturb you but do you mind if I slept with you ?" He questions fiddling with his fingers.

Maya's pov

Maya smiled at the nervous boy before walking over to Him and wrapping her arms around his body hugging him to her chest. He was so precious , while being so clueless. "Of course you don't have to ask sweetheart" i says rocking us from side to side .

"Come on let's get some sleep , we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow" i mumble leading him to the bed before getting in and pulling him to my chest . "Goodnight sethy" i mumble before sleep takes me .

Gabriel pov

"I see your as well as always" I take a seat at the opposite end of the marble table . I watch as the vampire sits as well , eyes darting left to right .

"I need a favor , and I would like for you to Carry this favor out without complications" i lean forward in my seat as I place my hands folded neatly on top of the table .

"I'm assuming this has something to do with that new girl that's with the cullens?" He says with an stotic facade . "You've been watching then?" I question.

"Oh but of course I've been watching, they have someone I want after all , can't damage the goods" he says as his red eyes bore into mines . " aro , I need for you to bring her too me , unharmed , and I will give you Alice and Edward, I know you so desperately want those powers" i smirk .

"You drive a hard bargain my friend" aro says . "It's not , simply a trade as you must call it" 

"Well I suppose we can work something out" he says smiling his creepy disturbing smile . "Good , I'd like it done quickly" I say before standing up and taking my leave . Once I get to the door I stop "oh and aro , I do so hope you don't disappoint me" I say before leaving .

"You know she'll kill them all right ?" Lucifer says leaning on the wall outside of the voltori building. " yes I very well know this , it is just a mear waring that I'm coming" I smirk . Come out come out wherever you are .

Heheh ........... hi guys 😅 sorry ....

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