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" We don't do anything until we find Seth, if someone sees you don't hesitate to kill them because they damn sure won't hesitate to kill you" I do a once over look at everybody. My family. I'd do anything for them. "Please be careful" I croaked out

" I can't lose anyone else, so please come back to me, all of you" I say as everyone nods. Sam breaks off the pack and they head towards the back of the castle. Before we got here I casted a cloaking spell so no one can sense us. I nod my head and take off towards the front entrance, my mates behind me taking stealthy steps.

Two guards stand by the door, I motion for Alice and rose to take them out. Quickly they make their way over towards the guards and before they could react the two women had snapped their necks and their heavy bodies thudded onto the ground. we keep moving further into the dark castle.

I focus my breathing to listen for him, listening for Seth. "Get back you fucking dog" I heard someone snarl. My eyes snap open "He's in the underground jail" I whisper. "We need to hurry , I'm pretty sure they don't take to kindly about their dead guards casually laying around on the ground". we all treaded carefully down into the darkness. Once we get to the jail I start to get anxious. I go to turn a corridor but quickly turn back as to its filled with guards.

My eyes close once again, slowly one by one each guard falls. This causes panic. They foam at the mouth before their eyes start bleeding, followed by gasping for air and then they simply fall dead. once I make sure the every guard is down we start back looking for Seth. "Seth , Seth baby its me where are you ?'

Seth POV

I sit in the dark corner beside the cell door. It reeks of blood and sweat in here and its starting to make me dizzy. A guard comes and stands beside my door, i get up and limp my way over towards the door, "excuse me can i-" . "Get back you fucking dog" he pushes be down and i land on my arm. Followed by a loud crack i know its broken as i cradle it to my chest, i bawl up in a circle laying on the damp cell floor.

Not much later i start to hear lots of commotion, screams and cries echoed down the narrow hallway then silence. "Seth, Seth baby its me , where are you?" i hear some call out it sounds like maya. "m-maya is that you" i manage to get out .

Maya pov

"M-Maya is that you ?" i hear. "Seth baby I'm coming , just keep talking so i can find you" i rush out now moving much faster than i was before. "im in here , but i can't move . i think my arm is broken" he says sniffling aftwards. i felt my blood boil. I finally found his cage. "Thank goodness , your okay" i engluf him in a hug making sure not to touch his arm.

I heard mutiple foot steps coming torwards us as we all stand on gaurd. The first person that comes through i grabbed by the neck ready to snap it until someone grabbed me . "maya its us" leah says . "sorry guys you scared me" i say letting quill go apologizing. " not to break this little party up but they know that we are here and ther're not to happy about it." Paul says .

"ok seth baby i need you to get on sams back and try to hold on as tight as you can" he nods and grabs ahold of sam. we all start to move back towrds the door to come out thorugh the front. Along the way ive killed at least 30 gaurds not counting the ones everyone else has killed. Right before we get to the door i get grabbed by my neck. Gabreial lifts me up cutting off my air supply. emmet goes to lung at him but edward stops him

"Look at you a pathetic little thing" he says tightening his hand around my throat cutting off more circulation. "so she manged to get back her mate , oh how weak youve gotten friend" lucifer taughts with a sinnister look in his eyes.

I kick back out of his hold before i use force to push this back across the room. " my my my , my dear neice has gotten bold now have we?" he taunts me from across the room." I'm not your dammed neice gabriel , now stop with all this , you have who you want leave them out of this" i snap. gaurds fill the room and surrond us.

i look back telling the wolves to shift. Seth gets off of sam as he shifts . i turn back and look around , we are more than out number but i can kill off most of the grauds for them with moving from my positon. I wave my hand once and some gaurds fall to the ground. I look back at gabriel . "I won't let you do it" I say starring him in the eyes . " try and stop me" he smirks launching towards me .

A/N :Hey hey hey babes . I hope you enjoy reading these last couple of chapters.☺️

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