Chapter 16: Hello, My Name Is Charity Case

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Okay, here is Chapter 16!! I was at the computer all day just staring at the screen haha and i finally just finished writing this! :) about 7 hours of writing haha so i hope you all like it! Maybe?

Happy reading!

Kat :))

Chapter 16: Hello, My Name Is Charity Case

The next day I woke up to the loud moans of Blaine. I knew he was going to have a hard morning but by the sounds of his whining it sounded as if he was in some amount of pain.

“God, what the hell?” Blaine said, sitting up. He was still wearing his clothes last night and he was holding his head between his knees.

“You mean you don’t remember?” I asked, but I wouldn’t be so surprised if he really didn’t.

Blaine lifted his head up slowly, but then shut his eyes fast due to the light streaking in from the window in the tree house. “Please shut that.”

I sighed and got up to place a light blanket on top of the nails that hung over the window. It was Blaine’s version of a curtain; I’ve seen him use it at night. After I hung up the blanket, I sat back down next to Blaine. “So, what do you remember?”

Blaine’s head was back between his knees and was just breathing heavily. “We won the championship.”

“Yes, that happened before you even got drunk.” I laughed. “I actually think that is the reason you did go drinking.”

Blaine shook his head slowly. “No, I know why I was drinking I just don’t remember what I did. Please don’t tell me that I went streaking or something? Guys always seem to do that in movies.”

I laughed and shook my head. “No, you didn’t streak.”

Blaine let out a deep breath.

“But,” I started.

“Oh god, I knew there was a but,” he sighed.

I smiled. “You sort of sang last night…”

“I sang.” Blaine said dully. “How is that embarrassing?”

“Oh, it wasn’t embarrassing for you.” I said laughing as a picture of Anna running out of the room filled my head.

“For me?” He repeated.

“Yeah, does this ring a bell?” I asked. “’Annabelle you think you’re so damn special’.” That song has been in my head ever since Blaine sang it last night. I still couldn’t get over the fact that he sang that song. What would happen if Anna told the dean about what is going on? I can’t imagine what the dean will do to Blaine if he found out. In fact, I didn’t want to know what he was going to do.

As I said that line, Blaine’s eyes grew wide. “I sang that song?”

“Yeah, you did.”

Blaine ran his hand through his hair and let out a long sigh. “And Anna?”

“She ran out of the room.”

“Shit.” Blaine said as he laid back onto his bed. “What am I going to do?”

“Well,” I said scooting closer to him. “I guess we just have to wait and see what Anna does.”

“She will most likely murder me,” Blaine said. I looked at him for any traces of laughter in his eyes but he looked completely serious.

Hello, My Name Is Mr. Right... My Ass (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now