Chapter 28: Hello, My Name Is One Night Stand

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Okay, here is chapter 28! Hope you like it!

Happy reading!

Kat :)


Chapter 28: Hello, My Name Is One Night Stand

Earlier the next morning, I woke up to a small note that was left next to my pillow. I could recognize the sloppy print anywhere. So I grabbed the note and read it.

It said:


I had to go meet with my dad about something before my first class. It sounded important, so I can't walk you to your first period. But, I'll see you at lunch, at our usual table.


He added a small smiley face after his name and I couldn't help but smile, despite the fact that I'd have to walk back to campus by myself. But I wasn't thinking about that, I was still giddy with what happened last night and nothing could break my mood.

Blaine's meeting his dad. Could he be talking to Dean Jacobs about baseball? I could already picture Blaine telling his dad that he was going to call up Gabriel Washburn. In fact, Blaine calls the scout right in front of Dean Jacobs. That would be the best bet.

Just thinking about that picture, I automatically wished that I went with him. But I didn't.

So, I packed up my pillows and stuffed them in the bookshelf and made my way out of the tree house and back to school. Before heading to class I stopped and by my dorm room and got ready for the day.

Now, I found myself slowly walking toward my Anatomy class in the west section of the campus. I wasn't expecting to run into Jace, but when I did, I was at a loss of words.

Not only because my mind was still a little fuzzy with Blaine's words last night, but also because I had put almost no thought into what I was going to say to Jace. Or how I was going to apologize for being such a bitch to him, by ignoring and avoiding him.

I looked up at him and adjusted the strap on my backpack nervously. "Uh good morning." I greeted, trying to act normal.

Jace looked at me. I wasn't sure what I saw in his eyes, but something flashed, maybe happiness. Or I hoped. But what finally settled was the look of pure annoyance. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

"Good morning? I don't think I've had such a good morning. Don't act like you don't know where I was just at." He answered.

I looked at him dumbly. What the hell is he talking about? "I don't know where you were at."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "So you don't know that I was just in the dean's office having a long talk about whether I was 'stalking you at your work'?"

What? How would the dean know that Jace has been coming to my work to talk to me? I never told him anything and I never even planned to tell him. So how the hell did he find out?

Then it hit me.

"Chris," I whispered to myself.

Jace ignored what I just said and continued his rant. "If you didn't want anything to do with me, then you could've at least told me, rather than turning me in like some creep!"

"I didn't do that though! I didn't talk to the dean!" I yelled defensively.

"Yeah, sure. But you should know that I would never do anything to hurt you! You're my friend, and I just wanted you to know the truth." He continued.

Hello, My Name Is Mr. Right... My Ass (Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon