Chapter 30: Hello, My Name Is Unknown

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Okay! I know I suck...I haven't updated since Mid August, but I've just been so busy! Now that Soccer ended, my theatre stuff is beginning to pick up with the musical opening next week so it's really hectic.

So I tried really hard to get this chapter done for you all, which probably explains why it sucks... :/ I promise I'm going to try to get these chapters up faster. I'm trying to get back in my groove.

BUT! I really want you guys to do me a of my close friends (MelodyRose07 I dedicated the chapter to her) made a Wattpad account and I'd really REALLY love it if some of you would swing by and look at her story: Afraid to Fall. It only has two parts up so it won't take long. Please vote and comment on them! Here's the link:

But thank you for sticking with me! I love you guys!

happy reading!


Ps. Sorry for the typo's, I'm. So tired right now it's not even funny... :/


Chapter 30: Hello, My Name Is Unknown

By the time I had packed up my suitcase for my long break and suspension, it was already three hours after my talk with Dean Jacobs and Blaine.

Scenes from the talk with Blaine kept replaying in my head and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't let it go. I couldn't get over the fact that I lost Blaine. I lost him. I lost him to guilt and money. In my opinion that was the worst way to go; over superficial things and feelings about the past.

After I walked away from Blaine, I hid out in the parking lot for two hours, just getting everything processed. I couldn't wrap my head around just how horrible one day could be.

How could a morning that I thought was so good, turn out to be so bad? How could everything slip through my fingers? It seemed like everything bad is happening to me and I have no control of it. Every time something good finally comes along, it's yanked before I can get a firm grasp.

Now, I sat on the curb of the entrance to Dalton Boarding School, because as I was processing the days outcome, something else occurred to me. Something that is just the icing on top of my whole day.

I don't have my car.

Blaine and I left it at my house during Thanksgiving. We both figured that we'd be back in another three weeks or so for Winter Break, but both of us didn't anticipate any turn of events like this.

So now I was stuck without a car. Fucking perfect.

My options ran through my head as I picked up a rock and skipped it across the pavement of the school parking lot. I could take the bus, but I wasn't too keen on that idea. Or I could hitch-hike, but I'd rather walk. Which, of course, was another option that I wasn't happy with. I could, and this was probably the best, yet least realistic option, go find Cason or Lauren to give me a ride home, but they are in class right now and then Lauren has work.

With a loud sigh, I picked up another rock and chucked it across the parking lot. With a small clunk, it hit a large white Ford truck. I looked over my left shoulder to see if anyone saw me and felt relieved when the lot was empty. So, I picked up another rock and mindlessly threw it in the same direction, missing the car this time.

"You know, you're aim was totally off that second time," a voice from behind me said.

I jumped up from the sudden noise and turned around to see Jace leaning against the Dalton sign. He had his backpack slung over one shoulder and his car keys in his hand.

Hello, My Name Is Mr. Right... My Ass (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now