Chapter 8: Point of No Return

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Warning: sexual content

It's very hard to hold it in. I know I'm a teenager and it's normal for that to happen. But damn! If she hadn't stopped us, I don't know how I would!

As it goes with these things the girl drives the car. We go as fast as she goes and stop when she stops. It's that simple! But damn, sometimes I feel like the car is gonna capsize! And I don't even have any air bags!

Anyway, nothing a good day of sleep can't cure. That and some hand exercise I did when I got to my room after our date. Or at least a good training session with Delta aunt Denise. The next morning at breakfast, I was still intrigued by Rosalyn's visit to my mom.

I wondered what she wanted.

"Mom, what did Rosalyn want with you yesterday?" - I asked her as we eat breakfast.

"She wanted doctor-patient confidentiality. That's what she wanted." - Mom snickered. Dad, Matt and I all gasped.

"Sorry I asked!" - I croaked, looking defeated.

"You know she doesn't have anyone like me in that house. Who's she gonna talk to? Denise!" - Mom snickered.

"I know mom, I'm glad she has you to talk about girl stuff. I just hope she's okay." - I said, pensive.

"She is, don't worry. It's just teenage girl stuff." - She informed me.

At warrior practice, she was concentrated on the task ahead of her and barely even blinked. I took it as a sign and followed suit, focusing on what the Delta gave us.

When we got back, she was still barely speaking so I respected her space. When I got home, I just texted to see if she was okay. She said she was, but didn't want to meet today.

So, the days of summer went by. We trained, we showered, we ate. She took her time to cool off and so did I, even if I didn't want to. 🥺

At the weekend, dad took me and my brother to an amusement park in a neighbor city. It was a good ride till we get there and a nice father and son moment. Even if I was slightly too old for  amusement parks. But then again, I'm only 15. It's not like I should be out there looking for my mate or something!😅

We spend the most joyous afternoon together, my little brother Matt had the best time. So did I, I just wished my mom could come. But doctor's life, you know. By now, we're used to it.

And we did had the best time, us boys. Even my dad, when he wasn't holding our stuff or looking for food or drink to us. He was the best! And I'm completely comfortable spending time with just him, as he raised me almost alone until I was 5.

I only had my mom in the summer while she was on med school. Not like Matt, when he was born, my mom was already finishing her internship at the Hospital. She was already a doctor by then.

I could only wish I could be half the man my dad is. I know most people say it about their dads but I really do mean it! He always made sure to make time for us, specially in the Summer.

At the ride back from the park, my dad tried to take advantage of my tiredness to poach me for information. Doesn't he know I'm trained by the Delta? LoL

"Son, did you have fun today?" - He started.

"Boy, that was the most fun I had in a while. Thanks, dad." - I replied, very thankful. I was glad he took the day to be with us. Matt was already asleep in the back seat.

"You're welcome, son. Listen, I've seen you a little down lately. Is everything okay?" - He asked me as he drove.

"Yes dad, it is. I'm just tired from training. Aunt Denise is a beast!" - I snickered.

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