Chapter 34: Dead Or Alive

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They say it's lonely at the top. And that maybe truth for some people, but certainly is not the case for wolves, who are pack animals. Sure, there are exceptions like any rule. But that is it: exceptions.

When you sit in the comfortable knowledge that you live in a compound protected by 50 trained warriors, you forget that there's danger out there. But there is.

Of course, a coordinated attach like this hasn't happened in more than 30 years. Way before I was born. So like I said, you forget the danger exists.

When my dad left in the middle of the night, I didn't hear about it as I was in my room sleeping like most people. But when the alarm rang, an automatic system replicated the sound throughout the entire house, including all our rooms, which as you know by now are soundproof. We wouldn't listen to an alarm ringing even if it was sounding off at our doors.

So, EVERYONE of us woke up scared, left our rooms and took the steps it needed to be taken.

As the adults acted, me and my brother ran to my parent's room and found out that my dad had already left in the dawn. And we were under attack.

Soon, we're left with my little cousins. Aunt Denise also left in the middle of the night. But her mate, uncle Tony was with them. But as the alarm rang, he and the rest of the men are required to go help defend our pack. Because if ever our land was breached, all the families that lived here would be in danger. Let's just say wolves can be vicious creatures.

So we stuck around in my dads' room with our little cousins and waited.

And waited some more.

And raided the kitchen for food and beverage cause we're getting hungry and so were the children. And waited a lot.

After hours of waiting, the alarm sounded off again. And that meant that the attack had ceased and the compound was safe. However, we weren't prepared for the casualties we would sustain.

None of us were!

The women opened the doors of the pack house and saw a scene fit for a war movie.

There were at least fifty injured, not to mention the dead that were left at the woods.

It was massive. The women who weren't taking care of children rushed to fetch provisions, medicines, bandages and stuff to help patch up the men.

From a far, I saw aunt Daphne treating the injured with the help of women who left their houses looking for the men that went to fight. It was a gruesome feature. I cried as I worried for my dad, aunt and uncles.

I wanted to run to help but daddy stopped me. He told me to mind the kids as he too had to help his sister and the other women, as he is the Luna of the pack. Of course, he does.

But Emmett ran to find our dad in the crowd. Except he wasn't. When he returned, he told me that dad was still in the woods. Dead or alive. My heart sank. I just couldn't stop the tears from falling down my eyes. We hugged each other as he's crying too.


As soon as I heard the alarm sound off the second time, I rushed to the front door. I couldn't leave my brother alone, but at least I could try to see what was happening from my house.

It was heartbreaking. My mom was treating dozens of injured warriors and men from the pack. She had help from the women and I guess some are nurses who work with her at the hospital.

I've never seen or smelled so much blood in my life. I would run to her but that would only distract her and that's not what she needed right now. But where's my dad?

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