Chapter 16: Torn

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That was a stab in the back.

Yes, maybe I'm being a little dramatic and in fact that only anticipated the inevitable but... Daddy had no business interfering at all!

Now, not only my stupid brother knows who his mate is for sure, he has a good chance to meet her. Fuck! I knew I was losing Alpha but there's no need to rub it in my face!

I barely got any sleep after that bomb, little did I know my other parent was brewing another.

The next day, at the Full Moon ceremony, dad dropped a bomb on the entire pack - and I don't mean when he told them I was attacked. He wants to transform the Alpha challenge and change it to a wit competition of sorts. I don't know the specifics yet, but that was a curve ball.

For one, I don't think my brother could beat a 5 year old at an intelligence competition. So that means he could be the first Huntington to lose Alpha in 120 years. Harsh!

Anyway, it's not my problem anymore! I am not one to throw in the towel, but I don't see any light at the end of this particular tunnel.

"So, mate, are you sure you want to change the Alpha challenge?" - Daddy asked him, at breakfast the following day.

"Yes, Felix, I'm sure! That's why I have announced it! I figure you'd be happy your son's mate wouldn't go through what you had to!" - Dad spat at him.

"You don't know it'll be our son yet. It's 8 months out!" - Daddy rebuked.

"Thanks daddy, I appreciate it. But what you set in motion can't be stopped now!" - I croaked.

"You can't blame your father for helping his son. Any more than I can blame him for... #Josalyn." - Dad stated. I and Emmett laughed out loud. In fact, aunt Denise too.

"Thanks, dad, I needed a laugh today." - I smirked.

"I just can't help but think you set yourself up to fail on this one. I mean, Emm may be many things, but a smart challenge? I have doubts!" - I snickered.

"I am smart, thank you very much! Just not in the same way you are, little sister." - He rebuked.

"Sure, Emm. Whatever you tell yourself late at night. I just hope maybe your mate can help you. She does look smart!" - I told him in an amused tone.

"Thank you, Rosalyn, I'll take the compliment." - He croaked.

"See, son, that's a good way to resolve a conflict." - Daddy chimed in.

"Thanks, daddy." - He replied, smiling. I muttered 'traitor' to daddy.

The next day, I faced warrior practice as I did most days, it was just to pass the time. Sure, I always got kicked around. But at least I was getting my exercise on. Silver linings.

John has been there for me since that dinner, I just never felt into it anymore. I mean, I still loved him and didn't want to break up or anything, but I wasn't in the mood for girlfriend stuff.

Sometimes, we do just want to Netflix and chill. Who knew?

Of course, being the gentle boy that he is, he never wavered in his desire for my company, so we pass the day watching movies and eating popcorn in the play room. It was so boring even daddy gave up his watchful eye on us. But to me it was nice to just stay together and enjoy each other's company.

I am at a hospital. The nurses put me on a wheelchair and as I seat on it, I notice my huge belly.

I'm pregnant! They rushed me to the delivering room. Aunt Daphne's already there waiting for me.

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