Chapter 39: I Surrender

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Have you ever met a guy who spoke all the right words, said all the right things just to get you to sleep with him. But once you did, you found out his true colors?

Well, that's not the case with Emmett.

I may have some regrets in my 17 years. I regret not having the courage to start my transition earlier. I regret I didn't fight hard enough for hormone replacement therapy. And yes, there are some guys that I wish I've never even heard of, to be honest!

But if there's one thing I don't regret: is giving a chance to Emmett Huntington!

And I'm not saying it just because of the amazing night we spent a month ago at his house. But damn, that was great!

But no, HE is great. He is so attentive, makes me feel seen, appreciated and yes, maybe even loved!

He's the prince charming that I never thought existed for someone like me. At least, not at this time anyway!

I hate to admit it, but it's getting more and more difficult to dream about New York without him by my side!

I know I've said no man could ever persuade me to stay here. And I still believe that!

But he's making a pretty good case for himself. Damn, that boy is good!

Can you believe he brought me flowers on Monday AFTER I slept with him?

Yes, I said after. He wanted to signal that I took his flower so he gave me some. Corny, I know, but so romantic!

We've been going strong ever since that.

Yes, we do get comments and snarky remarks here and there, but we try our best to ignore them. I'm sure it's worse for Emm, specially since he has such a macho aura about him!

However, he doesn't let it get to him. Not even the toxic masculinity some guys project on him.

I get the overwhelming feeling no one in the school would ever think to see HIM with ME. That's a feeling I also shared in the beginning. But that was then, this is now!

To me, he's just Emm. The guy who isn't afraid to take my hands or kiss me whenever we are. I mean, not in class cause you know, boundaries. But you get my point!

And yes, it's worse when we're both in the locker room, as you can imagine. The first gym class we faced after he first kissed me, there were a lot of comments calling him gay! I was mortified! Sure, no one picked a fight with the captain of the wrestling team, but there was plenty of abuse.

Do you know what he did in face of all those "fag" he heard? He walked up to me, in the middle of the locker room full of male students, while he's in underwear and kissed me. Yes, I said he KISSED me on the lips right in front of all them! While I was only in towel, I might add!

Then, after that full moon ceremony, wow! What an event! Good food, good drinks, bonfire, all his family and friends were present. It was awesome!

Plus, we managed to sneak into his room and fool around a bit. We didn't have time for all the way, but we did have fun!

Now, we're facing our first real holiday apart, Thanksgiving. But not before we enjoy ourselves some more.🥰

"I think I love you!" - I said to him as we're having lunch. He gasped. The whole table stopped eating and looked at me gobsmacked.

"I'm in love with you!" - I continued.

"I love you too!" - He replied, looking at me affectionately. I melted. We kissed.

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