Chapter 25: Visiting hours

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I'm rooting for Emmett, I really am!

No, I don't mean for him to ascend as Alpha. Unfortunately, that ship has already sailed and he will ascend! There's nothing anyone can do about it! And yes, that means I won't be Beta.

I could be bitter about it, but if Rosalyn can change her attitude about Emmett's ascension, so can I. And it means way more to her than to me, let's be honest! Of course, I would love to be Beta, follow in my dad's footsteps.

But I knew that being 2 years younger than the twins would jeopardize that. And I get it. The only person who would wait for me is Rosalyn, but that's only because she loves me. And to be fair, no Alpha has ever ascended without his Beta.

Be that as it may, I am rooting for Emmett's relationship to succeed. I may not want him to ascend, but I would never wish on anyone to be apart from their mate. Especially after witnessing first hand the effect it had on my dad, though I was mostly too young to notice.

Now, I hate to be shallow, but I don't know how would I have handled Emmett's plight. And I don't mean about the runaway mate, not that I'd know how to handle that either.

But I meant not having a cisgender female for mate. And yes, I realize that sounds transfobic, though I don't want to be. I hope it's one of those things that I can mature over time, cause my 15 years old self can't cope.

In any case, she seems like a lovely girl who'll definitely call him on his crap. Good for him! Who doesn't like a strong woman?

Speaking of strong women, my VERY bossy, confident girlfriend was doing great, all things considered.

She took a completely new approach to life and the loss of Alpha. She's accepted it and is focusing on other projects, which I hope will include me for as long as she isn't mated.

I know every teen werewolf probably go trough this exact feeling when they're dating unmated, but I sincerely don't know how will I ever love anyone else but her!

And no, I don't mean this because we already had sex. I'm not THAT shallow! I already loved her before that and would still love her regardless of those experiences.

However, I don't know how our sex are supposed to compare with mated sex. Of course, I don't have the experience to back it up, and it's not like I'm gonna ask around mated couples about their sex lives. But I seriously don't know how it's supposed to top that. Because ours was amazing!

I know we've only done it twice. But if it does get better with time, I can't hardly wait for more!

Now, back to reality, school life was VERY different from summer life. For once, we arrived already in the afternoon and barely had time to change before warrior training.

I mean, thank Goddess I live and train in the same compound, however massive its land is.

After warrior training, shower and then homework before dinner. By the time you have dinner, you're already beat. And after that, all you want is to crawl into bed or maybe watch TV before lights out at 10.

Basically, that leaves NO time for seeing your girlfriend. Even if she lived inside the same condominium as you.

Of course, I see her at school and warrior training, but it's not the same, obviously.

As we are in different grades, we don't have any class together and basically only see each other at lunch. I missed my girlfriend. I missed making out at the play room of her house.

Which is why weekends were the best, as we didn't have the same restrictions.

"Were you weirded out by Sam's words at lunch the other day? I could tell you're pissed!" - I asked as I gaze upon her on the couch at the play room.

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