Chapter 35: Emotion

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A month later.

After the coordinated attack on our pack, we treated our injured, buried our dead, including my uncle Damon and Emmett's best friend Paul's dad, along with so many others.

My dad stayed for weeks at the hospital. Even with his wolf healing, there were so many bites he was even in the I.C.U. for a while. Because he's Alpha, he was targeted. And honestly, I don't how he survived. But what I do know is: he probably took some bastards with him!

There were more than 100 dead wolves collected from the woods and outskirts of the city. And I'm talking about just the other side! We lost almost 50 people, among warriors and other pack members. Not to mention countless of others injured. It was bad! We didn't go to school for a week. It would be more but the adults wouldn't let us.

Alpha Casper and Luna Lauren, from the Blood Moon pack, came with 15 warriors to lend us a help in protecting the pack, as our warriors were almost decimated. They were the first to fight and suffered the most casualties.

Unfortunately, Lauren also lost her father in the attack. She came for his funeral as well. So did Mike, dad's old friend who was mated to a Blood Moon warrior. He lost a brother.

Of course, all our allies visited us and sent us warriors. That's the whole point of an alliance.

And though the visitors left, the warriors they sent would stay here for as long as we needed them. And that is comforting. Though another attack like this is very unlikely, there's always a rogue or two.

John and Matt are staying with us because of the situation with his parents. Poor John, I felt sorry for him. We tried to be there for each other this whole time but the best that we could do was hold each other close and dry each other's tears. Which was nice and helped a lot.

It's Monday. We're at the dining hall having breakfast. There're so many empty seats, I had to block from my viewing otherwise I'd start crying all over again.

"So, son, how is your mate these days? I haven't heard from her in a while!" - Dad asked, he was still healing but he looked a lot better.

"She's fine, dad. We've been texting and seeing each other at school lately. She heard what happened from her dad and texted me to make sure I was safe. It's nice." - Emm told us, smiling softly.

"That's good, son. I know it hurts right now and will still hurt for a long time. In some cases forever, as one never recovers from the loss of a mate." - He said, looking at my uncle's widow.

"But we have to move on somehow, someway. If anything, for our children who are the future of the pack." - Dad continued. He was deeply saddened. The loss of his little brother took a giant toll on him. Not to mention what happened to uncle Nate and aunt Denise.

"Tony, how is Denise?" - Daddy asked him. Tony survived with a few bruises and bites, but aunt Denise barely did. She's still at the hospital.

"She's hanging in there, Felix. You know Denise, not even death can remove her from Delta!" - He joked with a sad tone. We laughed. It's true.

"John, how is your mom coping..." - Dad started but got interrupted.

"She doesn't leave the hospital, uncle! She pulled so many double shifts this last month, I think my brother and I are going to Disney next summer!" - He joked, but sounded deeply worried.

"I'm going to the hospital as soon as I finish here." - Daddy spoke, also concerned. He looked so sad for his nephews and sister.

"I don't need to tell you how hard I took this attack. Or how heartbroken I am at the loss of my  little brother. You've all seen me. But I pray to the Goddess everyday that my other two siblings get out of this alive." - Dad stated as he raised his glass. Tears fell from his eyes.

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