Chapter 42: No air

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They say life is what happens when you're busy making other plans.

That's probably true. But I am wide awake. I'm in control of my life!

Now that we officially have a Luna, my brother's ascension is secured and I'm happy for him. I really am!

At this point, the pack needs to have an Alpha because if it were up to me...

Let's just say there's no mate in sight and leave it at that!


Months after my brother dreamed about his mate and I still got nothing. I tried my best to put it out of my mind. And I am happy with John, don't get me wrong! I'm the happiest I've ever been without actually ascending myself!

John does make me very happy. I have no complaints!

But there's a feeling that I can't shake it. Even if it was about being Alpha or not, why not at least allow me to dream about my mate? I know he can be anywhere and I don't have a passport just yet. But I'm down with it. Just give me a clue, at least!

It's silently driving me crazy. The uncertainty of it all.

I mean, I'm not in any rush. Quite the opposite. Like I said, I'm happy!

It's just this sixth sense I can't shake that something's going down soon! I have no idea what it is. But I know it's coming! Maybe I'm being dramatic, who knows? I shouldn't be worried about a mate before 18 anyway! Look at Paul, he's been 18 for months now and still nothing!

That's a reason to worry, if you ask me! And he is. So, I feel for him! And let's not forget that I literally share a house with more than a dozen unmated folk, most of who are in their twenties. So, I really shouldn't complain!

Friday night, I'm enjoying my boyfriend at the play room, which is the only place we weren't constantly watched. I mean, from time to time. But you know, we take what we can get.

"Are you really okay with Paul being trained by your dad?" - I asked him, suspiciously. He's been playing it cool since January.

"Am I happy about it? No! Of course, not. Do I wish it could be me like dad dreamed of? Yes, I do wish. But it's not Paul's fault! He's enjoying his time with my dad. Plus, he lost his father and he didn't find his mate yet! What kind of a dick would I be to take this away from him? Not that I could, literally!" - He replied more maturely than I'd expect it.

"Wow John, you impress me more every day!" - I sounded astonished.

"Thanks. Plus, I'm just glad he isn't your mate, because that I could never get over it!" - He snickered. And then he kissed me.

"I'm glad too! Not that Paul's ugly or anything. Plus, he's being training for warrior since he could walk! So, he's ripped and..." - I trailed off for a second thinking about him.

"Is there a point to any of this?!" - John looked at me funny.

"My point is: the only person I wish was my mate is you. It's always gonna be you!" - I said it and I kissed him. He melted under my lips.

"Dinner, lovebirds." - Daddy came to announce it. He always comes at the worst time. It's like he has a radar! And I don't mean the one you use to locate other gays.😂

"So, now that we're two months into the ascension, how's everybody feeling?" - Dad asked us.

"I'm great! I thought I'd be the first Huntington to not ascend even while mated, so I'm good to go!" - Emm snickered. And he's not wrong, most of us thought so too!

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