Chapter 32: Linger

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That was a long conversation!

And to think I've only told her one secret. Right? Brace for impact!

"Thank you very much for the invite, I'm gonna go now, okay?" - She announced as she gets up from the ground.

"That's fair. And I understand your reaction. But if you leave now, I can't prove it to you!" - I told her calmly. She laughed at me.

"So, you're telling me that not only I am your soulmate, you are also a mythological creature! What else? Can I be a princess?" - She snickered.

"No, but you can lead the pack with me!" - I told her. But regretted instantly.

"What?" - She looked at me confused.

"Nothing, I'm sorry. Yes, to both premises. You are my soulmate! And I am a werewolf!" - I told her, trying hard not to stutter.

"OK, prove it!" - She dared me.

"Do I have your permission to take off my clothes?" - I asked her, shyly.

"Why?" - She looked at me suspiciously.

"To shift into a werewolf! I can't ruin this outfit. It's one of the best I have! I changed 3 times before I came!" - I explained as I looked annoyed.

"No, thanks! Never mind. Bye!" - She said and she darted for the woods.

"Please Sam, I know you've already seen me naked, so it's not like it's gonna be a surprise!" - I pleaded and she stopped in her tracks.

"Fine, bitch. Strip! But if this is some ploy to get with me, you have never met a girl like me!" - She threatened me. Then returned to where she was previously.

"I haven't, of course. And it isn't, I swear! So, promise you won't run? I won't come near you!" - I asked her, hesitantly.

"If you do come near me, I'll show you what I'm about!" - She menaced.

"I believe you! Excuse me." - I said as I take off my clothes shyly and knelt. Then I begin to shift and she gets spooked.

But I don't stop, I continue shifting. 5 minutes later, I'm a wolf.

Sam seats down again. She is floored, shocked. She gasped so hard I thought she'd faint.

I lay down near her but I don't approach her at first. I go to her gently, so she doesn't spook.

I make some noises as to try to sound not threatening. I'm a big wolf. It's a majestic light brown furred wolf.

Eventually, as she got accustomed with my presence, I come near her and lick her hands. And then I graze my body against her. And I let her pet me and feel my fur. It's delicious. Her touch feels heavenly to me.

After some time as a wolf, I walk back to my spot and shift back into human. Immediately after, I get dressed.

"Do you believe me now?" - I croaked after I got dressed. She still seemed scared of me.

"So, why you?" - She asked me instead.

"Why me what? Why am I werewolf? I was born this way!" - I replied.

"No... wait! Are you going to bite me?" - She asked. I laughed.

"No, I won't. Werewolves can't be turned. They can only be born. That's a myth!" - I explained.

"Why are you special? Why were you told who your mate is in advance?" - She questioned,  looking puzzled.

"Oh, that! Because my dad is the Alpha, the leader of the pack. Because it's a special circumstance, the Goddess lets me know in advance." - I informed.

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