Chapter 29: Secrets

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To say I am nervous, it's an understatement! I have showered and already changed my outfit like 3 times. I was sweating so much I felt like I was on the verge of needing another shower.

Daddy stopped by to help me pick out an outfit cause let's be honest, he had the taste in the family. Not that dad looked bad, but then again, daddy probably shopped for him as well.

After much internal debate, I settled for a classic outfit as I can't seem to be trying too much, we're meeting at a local dinner not the Oscars red carpet.

I leave with half an hour in advance, as the dinner was no more than 10 minutes away and it's not like we had any traffic in Rutherford Falls.

I arrive at the dinner first and order a juice to get me started as I wait for her. She arrives 10 minutes early like I thought she would and is surprised that I was already waiting for her.

"Hi, Emm. You arrived early. That's a good start!" - She smirked as we greeted each other with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi, Sam. I did yes, I don't like to keep people waiting for me." - I replied as we took our seats.

I asked her what should we order and she said we could start with a drink and go from there. Since I had already ordered a juice, I asked what she wanted and ordered another one for her.

"So, tell me, how is the city treating you, you know, apart from the red necks at school?" - I started, sheepishly.

"Well, you know, apart from that, it's not actually that bad! I mean, people tend to be friendly in the country, isn't it?" - She asked me with a smile.

"Yes, they do, for the most part. And we are the baking kind, so expect a pie at your door at any time!" - I smirked. She laughed at my words.

"So, what do your parents work on for a living?" - She asked, looking right at me.

"Well, my dad is a property manager. He manages this massive condominium of houses in a private area on the far side of the city." - I replied.

"Oh, yes. I think my dad said something about it. It has a massive wall protecting it, it's a huge land. Is it not?" - She wondered.

"It is, we have about 200 people living inside, mostly families. And yes, we have a huge wall circumventing the entire property. It's very well guarded!" - I told her, sounding serious.

"Why? What's the danger people expecting around here?" - She questioned, looking at me quizzically.

"It's not that we expect any danger. But my dad also runs a non profit that protects and monitors wild life of the town. So we bring animals to treat or check all the time. So it's mostly for their safety, or so they don't escape our land and go to town or something." - I replied, deep in thought.

"How cool! Busy guy your dad and what does the other one do?" - She croaked.

"He is busy! Daddy manages our main house. We have several guests that stay in our house. So he keeps it afloat. It's a massive place. I'll take you over there one day, if you're up to!" - I blurted.

She giggled.

"Why did you laugh?" - I was intrigued.

"You said daddy." - She replied with a smile.

"Yes, as you know I was raised by 2 dads, so they taught us early on that one was dad and the other was daddy." - I croaked, blushing hard.

"That's so adorable! But hey, do you have strangers living in your house?" - She questioned, frowning in confusion.

The Twins' Dilemma (Werewolf Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن