Chapter 8

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"Woah! What's all this?" Aether exclaimed in shock as he looked at the table full of various meals.

"Ah, good morning Aether! I made breakfast!" you greeted, waving a hand to usher him towards the table to eat.

"Y-you didn't have to cook this many..H-how much did you pay for the ingredients?" Aether stuttered as he felt himself drool from staring at the breakfast you cooked.

You let out a chuckle as you stood up from your seat and gently pushed Aether towards another chair, placing a serving of breakfast in front of him.

"Well, I was thinking that I should make us a heavy breakfast since I know we will be busy the whole day to help the Knights of Favonius. You don't have to worry about the mora, dear. I went out to hunt earlier to find the freshest ingredients I can get my hands on!" you reassured with a large grin.

"Ah, well.. about the mission. I was planning to let you stay here in Mondstadt while I help the others instead." Aether stated while rubbing the back of his head.

"Would you care to tell me why?" you asked, tilting your head to the side.

"I can already tell it would be dangerous to go to the temples. I'd prefer if you would stay here where you could be safe. You made me really worried when Stormterror appeared yesterday. I was scared that I could have lost you." Aether explained as he looked at you in the eyes.

You smiled and nodded at Aether. "Alright then. I'll find a way to keep myself busy here." you told Aether as he sighed in relief and gave you a smile.

You watched as Aether's eyes light up when he took a bite of the breakfast you cooked. "This is amazing!" Aether complimented as you returned to your seat.

"Why, you flatter me darling!" you giggled while taking a sip of your coffee and looking out at the window to look at the city. You didn't saw Aether's face turning a few shades red when you called him 'darling'.

'I suppose I can have time for myself to explore some parts of this area.. maybe I can visit that man, Diluc? He could give me some form of entertainment to cure my boredom..' you told yourself as you sipped your drink. You were too deep in thought to notice Aether's gaze on you.

You felt a pair of eyes on you as you turned and nearly choked on your drink. Your eyes widened in surprise as you stare back at Aether, your noses touching while you felt your grin getting strained.

"What happened to your neck..?" Aether asked as he held your wounded shoulder. You internally groaned in pain while you still kept your grin. You're gonna have to ask Diluc for some bandages later.

"It's alright, Aether! It's simply a small cut! You see, I accidentally slipped while I was chopping up some vegetables and managed to wound my neck! My, how clumsy of me!" you half-lied with a small laugh. You stiffened when Aether inched closer, you can feel the warmth radiating from his figure.

Aether grew more concerned as he reached out to touch the bandages on your neck. "What if the injury was more critical? Please be careful next time.. I don't want to see you get hurt." Aether whispered out as he looked at you in sincere worry while the tips of his fingers felt the bandages.

'Too... close.' you thought as you looked around you to find a way to escape.

You used your shadow to cover your entire being and quickly teleported somewhere far away from the inn, leaving behind a confused Aether.

Aether stood still as he stared at the you sat before you disappeared earlier. 'I hope I didn't make her upset.. I have to apologize to her. But how..?' Aether thought to himself, not noticing his small floating companion flying into the room and examining the food on the table.

"WAHH! LOOK AT ALL THE FOOD! IT'S LIKE A FEAST FOR A KING BUT IT'S PAIMON INSTEAD!" Paimon happily cheered as she dashed towards the table and started to eat.

"SO GOOD!!" Paimon exclaimed as she took another bite of her serving.

Aether silently sweat dropped as he watched the meals one by one began to slowly disappear and into Paimon's stomach.

'That's one big appetite...' Aether thought as he continued to finish his breakfast before Paimon could take it.


Diluc silently stared at you while you grinned at him in return. "What are you doing here, demon?" Diluc asked as you watched him wipe a glass with a cloth.

"It's (Y/N), darling. Please don't forget my name. It would be lovely to hear you say it whenever you refer to me." you chuckled as Diluc looked unamused.

"Why are you here then?" Diluc asked as he watched you sat on the chair near the counter where he works in.

"Why does anyone do anything? Sheer, absolute boredom! My traveling companions left me behind and hunting out in daytime is not very fun!" you exclaimed with a sigh, grin still on your face.

"So I decided, why not visit my good friend, Diluc, at this tavern he works. I have no clue where my companions are nor do I know where the other Knights of Favonius went. And I also need some new bandages." you added.

You noticed a look of worry in Diluc's eyes as he searched around his pockets and pulled out a roll of bandages. "Since you're here, how about a drink?" Diluc suggested as he turned away from you while you took the bandages in his hands and began to tend to your wounds.

"My, aren't you a gentleman. Looking away when a lady is dressing herself while asking her if she wants something to drink. As for a drink.. I'm not very fond of giggle water nor wine." you replied as you redo the bandages on your shoulder, unaware of a light pink blush appearing on Diluc's cheeks.

"Giggle water..?" Diluc asked, confusion laced in his voice. "Oh! It means alcohol in my world." you explained as you finished patching yourself up.

"Well, I don't know what you demons consume. And no, I'm not going to give you blood if you even ask for it." Diluc stated as he turned back and gave you a serious look.

"Oh? If that's the case, I could just take some random citizen in this world and consume them." you giggled as you placed your arm on the counter and leaned your chin in your hand.

You were caught off guard when Diluc smirked and leaned closer to you. "That would mean you will kill that person, it's going to be impossible for you. As part of our deal, you can't kill anyone unless I tell you to." Diluc stated.

'My, what an interesting individual..' you thought with a chuckle as you used your thumb and index finger to grab Diluc's chin and pull him closer towards you, your noses touching.

"Then, can you suggest any non-alcoholic drink I can have?" you asked in a sultry voice as you watched Diluc's eyes widened in surprise and a blush dusting his cheeks.

Diluc pulled away from you and quickly looked for a glass. Trying to calm his thoughts at the sudden intensity of the mood just now while you kept grinning.

"How about some grape juice?" Diluc suggested.

"That would be lovely, darling." you replied.

A Traveler From Hell (Genshin Impact X Female Alastor Reader)Where stories live. Discover now