Chapter 23

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You held onto Aether as the two of you flew in the air with the help of Venti's wind currents.

"(Y/N), I'm going to throw you towards Dvalin's back. Think you can make it?" Aether asked as the both of you neared Dvalin.

"I'm sure I can stick a landing. If I fall, it's your fault for having a weak throw." you teased as you felt Aether swing you towards Dvalin.

You landed on Dvalin's back and steadied yourself. You let out a yelp when you were suddenly pushed forward by a blast of energy hitting you on your back. You used your claws and held onto Dvalin's scales, holding onto it so that you won't fall.

"I'm sorry!" Aether called out as you slightly glared at the blonde, grin still on your face.

You pushed yourself up and made your way towards Dvalin's neck where one of the blood clot is located.

"All we have to do is destroy these things and Dvalin will be out of the Abyss Order's control.. sounds easy enough." you muttered as you summoned your staff and raised it above your head.

You tightened your grip on your staff and repeatedly stabbed the blood clot, slowly but surely destroying it.

Once the blood clot is destroyed, Dvalin let out a loud roar and jerked backwards. You lost your grip and flew backwards.

"(Y/N)!" Aether yelled out as he tried to catch you but failed to do so. "Don't worry about me. Finish the task at hand." you stated as you looked down to where the others are.

Aether silently cursed as he watched you fall from the sky. "Damn it." Aether muttered as he looked back at the remaining blood clot and made his way to quickly destroy it.

Jean gasped when she notice you fall. "Venti!" she called out towards the green bard.

"On it!" Venti said as he casted a wind current towards you to slow your fall.

Diluc ran towards the edge of the platform and caught you in his arms.

"Aw, my darling hero!" you exclaimed with a laugh. Diluc rolled his eyes as he carried you back to the others, hiding the blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Are you alright?" Jean asked as she inspected your form for any wounds, breathing out a sigh of relief when she found none.

"I am alright, dear! I must say, that gave me quite a rush!" you happy exclaimed as Diluc placed you down, while you fix your hair from being blown away by the wind.

You and your group saw Aether land on the platform as he rushes over towards you and embraced you in a hug.

"I'm glad you're okay!" Aether exclaimed as he hugged you tightly.

The small reunion was quickly ruined when the platform you stood on began to shake and crumble.

"This place is gonna collapse!" Paimon cried out as she held onto your arm.

The platform tilted sideways as you all slid down and fall. You let out a grin while your companions yelped as all of you fell from the sky. You felt Aether wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer towards him.

Your ears perked up when you heard a loud roar coming closer towards you. You turned to see Dvalin flying near as he caught all of you on his back.

'Oh my Lucifer! I'm riding on a dragon! Niffty will be so envious!' you thought as you looked at the view around you while comfortably sitting on Dvalin's back.

Aether and the others sat up and watched in awe after looking at their surroundings. Your ears twitched as you looked towards Venti and heard him talking to Dvalin. Assuming it was a reunion of long, lost friends, you ignored the two.

Venti turned around and noticed you chatting to Jean. Aether and Diluc sat behind you, having a small glaring contest. An idea made its way to Venti's mind as he turned back towards Dvalin.

"Hey, Dvalin. Can you jerk forward a bit? I'm just doing a favor for my friends." Venti whispered as Dvalin nodded.

Your companions yelped in surprise when Dvalin suddenly jerked forward, making all of you jerk back. You were caught off guard of the sudden movement that you landed in between Aether and Diluc. Both men each grabbing onto your arm as they try to steady you.

"Ah, thank you." you stated as you looked at the blonde and red head, both of them looking away with red cheeks.

Diluc noticed Jean looking at her with a teasing grin, making his face flush a deeper shade of red. Paimon gave Aether a smug grin as the blonde lightly glared at her. Venti let out a smirk as you looked at him with a confused look. The green bard gave you a peace sign and a wink, making you even more confused and curious on what he meant.


"Welcome back, you guys! Jean told us all about your heroic deeds!" Amber happily exclaimed while you lightly scoffed when you heard the term 'heroic'. Luckily, no one heard you.

"I promised I'd take you guys out for some Sticky Honey Roast, didn't I? Before everyone got caught up in the Stormterror crisis. There's no time like the present, right? Are you guys hungry?" Amber asked, giving your group a grin.

"I'm not hungry as of the moment but thank you for your offer, Amber dear." you politely replied.

"You bet! You may have forgotten about it but Paimon still remembers it until now! Paimon can have (Y/N)'s serving as well, right (Y/N)?" Paimon asked as she turned towards you and gave you puppy eyes.

"Er.. of course, dear. You can have it." you replied, patting Paimon on the head.

"That's great! Wait for me at Good Hunter. I just need to clean up here real quick." Amber exclaimed as you all nodded and went towards Good Hunter.

You and your companions managed to bump into some fellow knights, adventurers and citizens of the city. You felt your eye twitch in annoyance as another citizen thanked you for saving them and Mondstadt.

'These mortals should be thankful that I'm on a leash or else I would have brought hell upon them..' you thought as you gritted your teeth, keeping your grin when a citizen went to give their thanks towards you.

You didn't really care about these people. Heck, you'd be honored to give them death if they ever wish for it. You didn't come here to help pathetic mortals with no soul as payment.

'I suppose this is more tolerable than Angel Dust forcing me to have sexual intercourse with him.. or even that damned television..' you thought to yourself as you shuddered at the mere thought of those two certain sex addicted demons.

'.. maybe this world isn't too bad.'

A Traveler From Hell (Genshin Impact X Female Alastor Reader)Where stories live. Discover now