3 Evie

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Why hadn't I met Luca earlier, before arse hat jerk staked me and Sara out at the club. God I hoped she had a better time than I did tonight. It was just past the two hour mark now, I paid and tipped extra to be allowed to sneak out the back of the diner. Luca was hot, but already giving me major possessive vibes and that was not an energy I was into. I had played that game once already, was not eager to repeat. I was about to try and start living independently, now was not the time to get tangled with someone who wanted more than I could give.

Ordering a car on my phone, I got in and asked the driver to take me back halfway between the club and restaurant, close enough to the hotel that I could walk the final distance easily, and hopefully unnoticed. Luck was on my side for once, every step went smoothly, there was even a rowdy group celebrating a bride to be walking in my direction as I left the hired car. I did my best to blend in with the group, ducking into the hotel as they walked by singing Spice Girl songs loudly, and very very off key.

I headed up to the room, opening the door with the keycard, having to jiggle it a few times to get the stupid green light to show. Sara was in the shower instead of passed out in her bed. Not the best sign. She was mad. She only showered at night when she was mad. Made her hair frizzy and tangly. Which then made her more cranky. A vicious cycle of her bad moods.

I went in and saw the sheets and bedding all bundled up on her bed, was just hanging my coat up when she came out of the shower. Yes, she was definitely angry. I handed her a water bottle I had picked up at the vending machine where it was cheapest. Handing it to her, as she blurted out a request to sleep in my bed with me tonight.

I knew her night had not gone great, shower and bundled sheets were enough to tip me off that neither of us had a good night. I nodded, telling her as always of course she was welcome to share. Anything I had was only because of her, telling her to get in bed, I was going to brush my teeth and wash my face and I would join her.

Sara was on her side, nearer to the window and air conditioner because she knew I would get too cold if I was directly in front of the ac stream. I carefully lifted the covers crawling into the double bed next to her. She was still but I knew she was still awake. "Are you OK?" I asked, I knew her night hadn't been good, I hoped the guy didn't hurt her.

"I'm OK. He didn't hurt me he just..." she made a frustrated sound deep in her throat, "It was so close to being good, then he pulled out, tore the condom off and shot his load all over my face, the bed, it was in my hair," another shudder racked Sara's body, "it was everywhere, I screamed and kicked him out." she was rightfully horrified by this experience.

"Uhh vile, explains the shower then." I felt Sara nod silently into her pillow.

"My hair is going to be a state tomorrow." she whinged. I loved her, but she was so vain it hurt sometimes.

"We'll hit the road early, get to our next hotel and have lots of time to tame your hair before hitting the town tomorrow night." I reassured her, knowing it would be my arms getting worn out styling her long hair.

"This you offering to drive?" I could hear the smirk on her face, princess Sara getting her way again. As always. It was so hard for me to say no to her.

"Yes, now let's get some sleep, and unless you get jizz in your hair again you're driving next." I heard her grumble some sort of agreement before she wiggled herself even deeper under the covers, "I love you Evie." She drawled out as her breathing slowed. Her constantly ice cold toes seeking out my legs like tiny heat seeking missiles under the covers.

I was exhausted, I should have been able to easily fall asleep. Instead all I could think about was Luca. I wondered how long he waited for me. I felt guilty leaving him like that but he had long term commitment written all over that handsome face, I was not long term commitment material. He would be happier forgetting he met me. I wasn't end game material. I was a fuck and run kind of girl.

I tossed and turned what felt like all night long, until finally succumbing to plain exhaustion. Only for the hottest fantasy dreams to haunt me the entire night long, one specific tall dark and handsome man in the starring role.

I was still exhausted the next morning, as I packed up mine and Sara's bags, making sure we both had all our toiletries and clothes. We checked out early and were on the road early enough to catch the full breakfast menu at McDonald's. Both of us swearing we would eat better, after this one last grease pile.

We both knew it was a lie, it just made us feel more grown up to talk about all the ways we were going to do and be better after this one last road trip. Sara was starting her surgical residency next month, and I had my first not an internship job starting around the same time.

We were going to be living in different cities for the first time in five years. I would be living on my own, in my own studio apartment for the first time. It was both terrifying and thrilling to think of finally breaking out on my own. Trying to be independent from Sara, trying to be myself.

Sara was more than just my best friend, she was the closest thing to family I had. I had tried to find a job where she was going to be starting her career but the job market was tight and I hadn't been able to find anything.

Sara had offered to pay rent and support me until I could find something. I knew her family had money, or her extended family did. I had spent a few holidays with them and no one had a house or property as big as the spots she took me to without having serious cash in the bank. Sara was too generous, I couldn't continue to accept that much help from someone without the guilt eating me alive. We tearfully decided that some time apart might do us both good. A chance to grow up and be our best selves without being codependent.

This trip was our compromise, two weeks on the road filling our time with as much dancing and fun as we could to hold us over until we could visit each other again. It was bittersweet.

I was driving today, Sara's SUV was luxurious, and drove easily. I was still uncomfortable driving such a high end vehicle. I didn't like driving very much, I enjoyed the traveling part of our trip more when she was driving. I hadn't often left Seattle before this trip. Just a handful of vacations with Sara's family. I liked being able to watch the scenery pass by and change as we moved farther and farther away from the only place I had ever really known.

Today though, I was driving, hands white knuckled on the steering wheel as I drove the exact speed limit. Anxious any time a car whooshed by over the limit or crept too close to my bumper. Sara was sleeping, snoring loudly with her head lolling at painful looking angles as centripetal force moved her with every turn. I had double and then triple checked our room I was sure I had everything but I just could not shake the feeling I had left something important behind. The feeling grew worse the farther we went. 

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