9 Evie

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Sara was being handsy again, and she wasn't even as drunk as she normally was when this happened. I hated when she was like this. I had told her so many times over the years I loved her, she was my sister, my family. I didn't like women like that. I would love her forever, but not how she seemed to want.

She was in the mood when even strangers somehow knew to stay away tonight. Not a single man had approached us the entire time we had been here and Sara had barely let my hand go as she dragged me around the various clubs, taking shots at a few different ones until she found a space that made her happy.

Finally free to dance I let her hand go. Closed my eyes and just let the music move me, I was falling into my groove feeling sexy in my borrowed dress thanks to Michi. I danced everything away. Willing someone to come and find me, to let me have a night where I could get over Luca who ate too much at midnight in a diner while looking like my every wet dream come true.

I felt hands, and knew that touch too well already. I opened my eyes and it was Sara. A look I knew too well in her eyes. I hated every single time she made me reject her advances like this. I felt her stiffen, looking around for a moment before she started to try and yell over the music at me, taking my hand to pull us somewhere new.

We had only been dancing for a couple songs, I had been feeling great until she stopped me. Then over her shoulder I saw something. My heart racing as I looked and saw Luca, standing on the raised entrance to this club. Looking directly at me. I felt a smile bloom on my lips as we made eye contact. My hand dropped from Sara's. She looked hurt as I told her no. Leaving her I started to cross the dance floor, heading to Luca. My heart feeling like it was going to explode out of my chest.

I was so happy to see him. He was making his way down the stairs, and through the crowd to me. We met, face to face, I thought he would be mad over how I had left him without a word at the diner. Instead he looked like someone who had never been happier. I suddenly felt awkward, I didn't know him. Not really, we had barely spoken last night.

I couldn't understand why I was so drawn to him. Why standing this close to him was as close to feeling at home that I had ever felt. Like being near him was exactly where I had always belonged. This wasn't me. I wasn't the girl who got swept up by feelings, not anymore. I was thoughtful, rational. This was none of that. This was wild, impetuous, all heart no brain. I started to get all caught and tangled in my thoughts as I tried to make what I was feeling make sense.

Then his arms were around me, drawing my body against his, holding me tight. I looked up and his lips met mine, soft, gentle, until I swiped my tongue against his lips and it was like a beast escaped. His tongue plundering my mouth, my body erupting with electric sparks everywhere his hands touched me. It was unlike any kiss I had ever experienced. He was a drug and he had just made me an addict with one kiss. He broke the kiss, his nose trailing along my jaw, "Let's get out of here." He whispered, I nodded frantically, my hands roving over his chest and body, mapping how he felt under my touch.

Luca took my hand in his, leading me out, I looked back at Sara and I didn't think I had ever seen her so angry. I sent her a message letting her know I would meet her back at our room later. She never replied. I didn't understand why she was so angry. She knew I couldn't ever love her like she wanted me to. She was my sister, and she was all I had. She also never had anything against any of the other men I had hooked up with. Did she know something about Luca I didn't? I was nibbling on my lower lip as Luca led me out of the club, finally emerging into the brisk night air and quiet.

He looked at me, and I must have been radiating my anxiety, he pulled me to him, his arm over my shoulder, keeping me tucked close to his body protectively. "We don't have to do anything you don't want..." I looked down at the obvious, large bulge in his pants, giving him a sharp side eye, "We could go grab something to eat or drink and just talk? Just give me a chance Evie." He said my name, and shivers went down my spine. I wanted to hear him say my real name. I hadn't wanted to tell anyone the truth before. Maybe my drink had been drugged at the bar, I wasn't thinking clearly, something was wrong with me to feel so emotional, so attached to Luca when he was essentially a stranger to me.

I shook my head, I was hungry, certainly not for food though. "I want you, not food." Throwing myself at him, our lips crashing together once again, forcefully showing him what I wanted. Hearing him groan into my mouth. His warm hands on my exposed back felt electric.

With an undignified yelp I was scooped up in his strong arms and he was running down the sidewalk at a speed that was far faster than I could have managed in Sara's heels. In no time I was set down on my feet in an elevator heading to his room. This was how it should have gone yesterday. Then I wouldn't have had an entire day pinning after him like a lovesick puppy.

Luca never let go of my hand. His thumb rubbing over the back. Small electric tingles followed everywhere he touched me. I felt high, consumed by a desire to touch more if his skin, taste him on my lips. In the stillness of the elevator I spoke my fear, "I think someone drugged my drink." it was the only thing that could explain how I was feeling. This had happened once before, Sara has slapped a drink out of my hand a few years ago. Immediately taking me home and I had felt a similar lusty floaty feeling until my memories went dark.

Luca's eyes went wide, before he leaned towards me and sniffed me, like he would be able to scent drugs off my skin. "I don't think so Evie, are you OK?" His eyes were searching my face, my eyes, my body. His forehead crinkled when he was worried. I didn't want him to worry. But something was wrong with me.

"I feel strange," I started to admit to him. Pausing trying to gather my thoughts to explain how my skin felt like it was on fire and only his touch could put it out. That he felt like home and safety and-

He dragged his finger up my arm, a warm trail of tingles appeared where his skin met mine. "Can you feel sparks?" he nosed into the crook of my neck and shoulder, "Can you feel how right this is too?" I had been starting to moan as he nipped where my neck met my shoulder, my head moving quickly.

Too, he said he was feeling it too. "I've never felt anything like this, I feel crazy." Wantonly moving to press myself, chest to chest with him, eyelashes fluttering in response to how good being near him made my body feel. "I'm crazy to want you like this." My hands on his face, taking his lips with mine, the elevator dinged, we stumbled down the hallway, never disengaging. Nearly falling into his hotel room as he fumbled to unlock the door.

Breathless, we both started to tear the clothes off each other. "If you're crazy, then I am too Evie." he untied the knot of my halter straps, letting the dress skim down my hips to puddle at my feet. He looked at me, standing nearly bare in front of him like this was a religious experience for him. "We're meant to be Evie, that's what you feel." Then it was like he unleashed a beast inside him. 

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