7 Evie

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Sara had been on her phone way more than usual. She told me her dad was worried over some of his business back home and she was helping with that. But something seemed off. Sara was the gem of her family, the smart dedicated daughter, working to become a surgeon, when she wasn't trying to arrange a three way in a hotel anyways. Her dad had never asked her for business help, except a couple times she dragged me along to play nice with some rival or partners son. Which always had the vibe of parents trying to match make their kids. It had been weird.

Sara had been on her phone the entire time I was flat ironing her hair, I could see the group chat with her cousins but she was texting so quick and jumping to different night life pages on her phone I didn't really see what they were talking about. I hoped we got to see the triplets tonight, they were always fun. And less wild than Sara thankfully.

When I finished Sara's hair, misting the finishing spray on, she surprised me saying she was going to curl my hair for me. Tapping the chair she had just vacated. I sat down and Sara started to run the brush through my hair to undo any tangles before she started. I was always baffled how someone who could fling a man across a room could also be so gentle when doing my hair.

She scratched her nails over my scalp giving me a little head massage because she knew how much I liked the feeling. "I don't know how I'm going to survive without sharing an apartment with you, you sure you don't want to come with me?" I could see her gnawing on her lower lip by the reflection in the window of our hotel room.

"I'm scared to try and be on my own, but I think it will be good for both of us." leaving out how I was getting tired of constantly partying, how I wanted to find out who I was without Sara protecting me all the time. Maybe find someone special and settle down instead of riding a different dick every weekend.

Sara set down the curling wand on the table coming around to look at me, those always too bright blue eyes looking into my soul. "You know you are the bravest person I've ever met right? You can do anything you want, I'll help you anyway I can always." I nodded, she was being intense and strange in a way I wasn't familiar with.

"Is something wrong?" I asked again. Feeling something had changed without me noticing it.

Sara went back behind me, curling the rest of my hair until I looked like a mermaid. "Do you ever want to be married again?" she asked quietly while she was doing my makeup. I flinched from the question. It wasn't fair how she could get into my head.

"That wasn't real, I-" I froze, worried I would sound stupid.

"Your dreams are mine EV, if we are really going to live apart then I want to make sure you're happy. Tell me?" we had this conversation before.

"I've wanted only one thing my entire life, I want a family, I want to feel loved and like I belong and that something in this world is just mine." A flash of Luca's handsome face while he ate the mountain of food in the diner running through my mind. I did enjoy the little sounds of appreciation he made while eating.

No no no, guys you run into in the middle of the night aren't good guys. He was just a very attractive person I met while drunk after a very unfortunate night. I needed to get myself underneath someone tonight to shake him out of my mind. Hopefully tonight would be better than last night. For both me and Sara.

She nodded, "You'll find someone, I'm sure of it, but tonight we are letting loose! It's our last night of the road trip. Tomorrow we drive home and then I am taking you somewhere tropical!" Sara hadn't told me we would be flying anywhere, probably because she knew I would say no, it was too much. "Don't say it! It's a gift from daddy, I knew you would say no if I told you beforehand." she handed me a bright red lipstick, "put this on and then we are going to dinner." As always once Sara's mind was made up there was no changing it. This time though, I wasn't sure if she was right, for the first time I felt like I wanted to actually do something different than what Sara planned for us. I didn't have time to ruminate as I was dragged from the hotel room out to dinner.

Dinner was wonderful, Sara took me to our favorite middle Eastern spot. She had always stopped here on any visits to see the triplets when I came with her. Sara continued to be strange the whole meal. Spending an exceptional amount of time on her phone, asking me if I believed in soul mates, did I want kids. It was so unlike her to be so forward thinking. "Sara, what is up? You are being weird." I finally asked her outright.

"You going to tell me who you keep having sexy daydreams about?" Deflecting my question with another question. One I wasn't ready for.

My face burned. I didn't think I had been obvious. I hadn't felt really drawn to anyone ever. Of course Sara would notice. With a sigh I decided to just name the beast that was living rent free in my head. "The guy from the diner last night. I haven't been able to stop thinking about him."

She took a sharp inhale, eyes nearly bugging out of her head before taking a long, gulping drink of her wine. "Not like you to be hung up on a guy you barely met." She said after centering herself, flagging the waiter to refill our wine glasses again.

"I just need to get under someone new tonight to shake him off." I shrugged, that would have worked on any crush that caught my attention, but the thought of being with someone other than Luca right now didn't seem appealing. Taking a large drink of my own wine now, ignoring the pit in my stomach as I lied. Maybe I was getting sick. Something was definitely wrong with me.

"Cheers to that!" Sara beamed a little too loud for the restaurant. I was on my second glass of wine, but she was already on her fourth. She had good tolerance, though anyone would be affected by the speed she was drinking at tonight.

We hadn't been offered a dessert menu, the waiter still brought over our bill with a glaring look in my direction. I knew that look, the subtle hint that it was time for us to pay and leave. Sara shot her own look at the waiter for being rude, she was a stickler for manners according to her own personal rules. Excusing herself to go to the washroom. I went to the host stand and used my smartwatch to pay using the link I had to Sara's card, making sure I tipped well. I intercepted her on her way back from the washroom, with both our coats and ushered her out of the dining room. Telling her it was time to hit the clubs.

She was focused on her phone and frowning. "We're going to Club 1." She announced. We were nearby, I didn't want to go. It was a giant endless connected maze of clubs and bars. Club 1, because it was the only club you needed to go to for anything you wanted all under one roof. 

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