23 Luca

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Emily Violet Hawthorne. Emily Violet. E.V. Evie. Trying all the names I had for her. I only had one question. Only one question that mattered. "Who do you want to be?" I asked her. She should be whomever she wanted to be, whatever name she wanted that would be it.

"What is your last name?" She asked, looking up at me, the eyes that were as deep as the whole ocean. Drowning me. I was lost to her.

"McLean. Luca McLean." I said.

She took a deep breath, eyes never leaving mine. "I want to be Evie McLean." She said, simply. "I want to be me, and I want-" She blushed, of all the things she could do or say she blushed. "I want to lean into the crazy feelings, the soul mate, a goddess set us up, everything. If I get another new name I want to be me and I want to be yours." Her hands moving up to cover her mouth like she could take back her words. "I sound like a crazy stalker girl!" She exclaimed from behind her fingers. Eyes wide. Looking at me like I would run scared. I could feel her horror at her words. How it felt totally incongruent to her that her lips would have said them.

"It is the most beautiful name I have ever heard Evie. if you want to be Evie McLean that is who you are now." I smiled. I would start working on getting her human identification with her chosen name as soon as I could. She looked at the old fashioned mantle clock on a shelf near the pot belly little stove.

"We can go to the party now if you want? Feel up to it?" I offered her. Really I would have rather stay in this cabin just near by to her. There were going to be a lot happy families and couples tonight. I didn't know if she was ready for it. Fuck I did't know if I was ready for us to go out and try and socialize right now.

She looked down at the basic joggers and sweater she was wearing. Nibbling her lower lip. "I wish I had something a little nicer to wear." She said, blushing, I could feel her embarrassment over her vanity. It was cute.

Just like breakfast, a pair of designer jeans, a silky tank top, a nice flannel shirt jacket and nice ankle boots popped into existence, neatly folded on the bed. Evie's eyes went so wide I was worried they might fall out. She turned to look at me. "Ash?" she asked. A breathy whisper.

All I could do is shrug. "I think so, no one else can just magic things around like she does." I paused, "I don't really know anyone here very well either, I've only met a couple of them a handful of times. Ash was never so bold about her magic." She had pretty much kept to herself and her mate and their cute kid Dixon. Limiting her magic to keeping her champagne glass full at the mating ceremony for Elijah and Lark.

I watched Evie approach the brand new, perfectly folded and arranged outfit like it was a deadly snake about to strike. Checking the tags, her brow furrowed, "Exactly all in my size- Ash does know how supremely off-putting stuff just popping into existence is right?" Pulling her plain sweater off, heedless that I was there and couldn't take my eyes off her body.

"Ash is strange." I said. Awkwardly, trying to not gawk at Evie standing in just a bra and soft jogging pants. Evie looked at me like that was the biggest understatement of the year. "Ash grew up in Fae, not Earth." I added. My mouth going dry and Evie kept undressing. I started to turn around as Evie pulled down the joggers to change into the jeans.

"You've already seen the goods Luca. I'm not not shy." She smiled at me, her hips swaying side to side as she wriggled the pants down her legs. "Plus the uhh mate? Thingy. We're like a couple now right?" she blushed brightly. "I've never been in a real relationship, I don't know what I'm doing. Just, I, I like you, you can look. " Her tone and eyes said she maybe wanted to do more than look. The storm that was her feelings weren't stopping. Neither was her strip tease.

She turned around, bending over to pull the boots on. Giving me a perfect view of her juicy peach shaped behind that filled out the denim like it was a second skin. She looked over her shoulder at me, smiling like the minx she was. She was teasing me, "We should go, they are doing a lot for me, for us. We shouldn't keep them waiting." she said smiling at me.

She finished getting dressed, and I fell even more in love with her. She fussed with the bangs I knew she hated. She was beautiful. She had been a sex kitten at the clubs. Wearing exceptionally revealing dresses. Seeing her dressed down in jeans, no makeup, smiling as she took my hand. It was everything I had ever wanted. I had my mate. She was going to be ok. Things weren't perfect yet. She was still unsure and anxious about so much and so conflicted. We would get to the good. I could feel it. 

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