Two Different Lives

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Seven Years Later

It was the dead of night, the car horns of New York City echoing through the skyscrapers.

A man crashed through the window, landing on a fire escape groaning, his eyes opened and they were full of panic.

Standing up he ran down the fire escape and jumped onto a dumpster when he got to the first level then landed on the street going toward the opening in the alley, but a blur ran past him and blocked the exit.

A pair of yellow eyes with a spark red in them started to glow, and the figure stepped into the light, also showing the veins surrounding her eyes.

The man ran at her, but she smoothly dodged, bringing her knee up into his groin and then kicking him onto the ground.

"Gonna attack a woman?" Hope Mikaelson asked,"Shame on you."

"I didn't do nothing," He spat out, trying to stand but Hope kicked him back down.

"Then why'd you run?" Hope replied.

"You a cop?" He demanded, managing to pull out a knife.

"Nope," Hope replied, popping the P,"I'm a bounty hunter, and you're worth five thousand dollars alive. Now do me a favor and come willingly," She said, her eyes dilating as her compulsion took hold of his mind,"And forget any supernatural qualities you saw from me."

Time Skip

After turning in the criminal into the police station, Hope went home, her home being a top floor penthouse with an amazing view overlooking the city.

Her heels clicked on the tile as she went straight for the fridge opening it, opening the hidden compartment at the bottom to reveal her stash of blood. Taking a bag, she screwed off the top and brought it to her mouth, drinking the blood and she felt her hunger start to lessen.

She sighed, sitting down on the thirty five thousand dollar couch, grabbing the remote and closing the curtains with a click and turning on the TV to the show Survivor. Even though everything was fancy and expensive, she was completely alone.

Change Of View

On the other side New York in the Forest Park of Queens, a lone house stood, surrounded by trees, a blue 1972 ford truck was in the dirt driveway, a booster seat on the passenger side.

In the house a door slowly opened, the hinges squeaking slightly, but not louder than the snoring coming from the bed.

Two small feet slowly walk across the old carpet floor to the bed where Stiles laid sleeping, face down into the pillow, his snoring vibrating the bed.

Allison Stilinski climbed onto the bed, a mischievous smile on her face, standing on the bed she prepared to jump.

"Don't even think about it," Stiles said, opening his eyes and looking at his daughter.

"Oh, come on," She said, flopping back down next to him,"How do you always know?"

"I got spider senses," Stiles said, and he sighed,"I guess it's time to get up now."

"We could always pretend to be sick," Ally said, giving a fake cough.

"Ha ha, that may have worked when you were in Kindergarten but that won't work now," Stiles said, sitting up, the bones in his back popping, then his knuckles, neck, and toes,"I need to get a better mattress," He mumbled standing up.

Ally went back to her room to get dressed, for a seven year old she didn't anymore help from Stiles picking out clothes to wear. Stiles went into the kitchen to make breakfast for both of them, getting the eggs, basil, tomatoes, milk, butter, and cheese.

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