Face To Face

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Stiles looked up at the sky, seeing the rain fall from the sky. Unable to see the clouds thanks to the darkness of night.

Walking forward, up the steps of his childhood home. He opened the door, shaking his hair to get rid of the water.

Going into the living room, Stiles finds someone already there, looking out the window at the storm. Unable to make out who it was, he said the first name that came to mind,"Scott?"

He turned around to face Stiles, revealing himself. His two eyes looking at Stiles,"Care to guess again?" Set asked.

Red lightning flashed outside as a smirk grew across his face.

"Would you like to sit down?" Set asked,"It's trippy, I know. I thought it'd be better if you were somewhere you knew."

"Get out of my head!" Stiles snarled, starting forward.

Stiles was shoved down onto the couch, a grunt escaping him.

"I'm not completely in your head if that's what you're worried about," Set said, sitting down in the chair across from him,"Just enough of my consciousness that allows us to speak when you dream."

"Get out!" Stiles roared.

"Yelling at me isn't going to get you anywhere," Set told him,"I'm just here to talk right now."

"What do you want?" Stiles asked begrudgingly.

"Well, I want many things. And it seems that you're the only thing standing in the way of that," Set said, his face twitching like he was unsure whether to appear charming or to make Stiles fear him,"You, the one who killed one of my favorite sons. Your friends were perfectly content to leave him in that jar and bury him. At least he would have been alive today if that happened. But you wanted vengeance for what happened, so you killed him. Under your shoe."

"He was a fox living inside a fly," Stiles said,"Maybe he should've chosen his host better."

Set's hands curled into fists,"And that is exactly what I plan to do."

"You're not taking my body," Stiles growled.

"And who's going to stop me?" Set asked,"Your Amazon girlfriend? There's a reason why there used to be an army of them. But she's alone."

"What's the point?" Stiles asked,"Why do you want my body? All the other gods are fine where they are."

"They are simple minded fools with absolutely no ambition. Me? I have lots of it. They are content to see humanity build itself up, and then crumble. Over thousands of years that's all we've ever done. But when the greatest of all of us, Ra, decided to crown a new King, it was my birthright as the eldest son of the Sky and the Earth, but instead he chose my coward of a brother, Osiris."

"And let me guess, that pissed you off."

"That's an understatement," Set said,"So...I bided my time, then I had Ahmanet tear his Champion apart, and him along with them. Something you might not understand between the bond of Champion and their god. When they die, the god they're connected to withers as well. And I took that moment of weakness he had and I split his spirit among the pieces of his Champion, cursing him to a torment far beyond what I have experienced these past millennium."

Stiles started to remember the story from the different mythologies he had learned about,"And I'm guessing that didn't last very long?" Stiles guessed.

"Correct. His bastard son led a rebellion against me. He found Ra and somehow managed to convince him to come back and help bind me, almost succeeded. But not before I managed to kill the spineless old fool and eradicate his existence from the universe.

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