Disorder Breeds Chaos

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Hope dug her fingers into the large metal door trying to pry it open. She could hear the sounds of fighting coming from the inside. Putting her into a state of panic. What she didn't expect was for something to hit from the other side. The metal partially crumpled, telling her that whatever it was that caused the damage was something as strong as her, maybe even stronger.

The door suddenly blasted apart, and Hope threw herself to the ground just in time for the body of who she assumed to be Hyde.

Several armed guards started running past her, holding some pretty big guns.

But when she looked into the room to see who they were after she could barely comprehend what she saw.

Slowly turning toward them, Stiles glared at them, his eye swallowed by darkness, the only color being a small spark of red where the pupil should be.

He stood there, frozen, as the soldiers surrounded him. One stepped forward," Hands on your head!" He shouted,"Do it now!"

Faster than anyone expected, Stiles grabbed him by the neck, lifting him off of his feet.

The lighting started hitting the guards and he started to scream, his flesh burning off and his skeleton crumbled in his grip, becoming dust.

Hope paled, not knowing if it was her Stiles or if it was the god of Chaos.

Stiles grabbed another guard, snapping their neck. He moved so much faster, faster than a vampire, almost faster than Hope.

Standing up, Hope ran forward and jumped in front of another guard he was about to kill.

Lifting up her shield, his fist connected with the metal and the sound echoed through the whole building.

She grunted under the power of the punch,"Stiles, this isn't you," She whispered, looking in his eye.

He cocked his head to the side, his face remaining expressionless.

Reaching up, his hand touched her cheek and Hope could tell she was getting through to him.

Another stupid guard shot him in the back, making him stumble, falling to a knee. Reaching behind him, he grabbed the bullet. Completely flat like a coin.

Lip curling, Stiles reached out a hand and lighting shooting from his hand and vaporizing them.

The building started to shake, and Hope looked up to see the chains that had held Ahmanet lying empty.

Hope slowly turned around to see the Mummy glaring at her. She raised two black curved knives, challenging her.

The Amazon went down into a crouch, raising her shield and sword. And the two godlings ran at each other.

Ally peeked her head around the corner, leaning onto the wall as the building continued to shake violently. She didn't know how long it would be before the whole building collapsed down on top of them.

She could barely see what was happening, she could see the glare of the light on Hope's armor, fighting a shadow who was most likely Ahmanet.

Then there was her Father, her eyes couldn't seem to focus on him clearly as he killed every guard. Black lightning trailing behind him.

The aura of death around her started to make her senses go crazy. The whispers of their echoing souls fill her mind.

Grabbing her head, digging her fingers into her scalp, her voice started to warp,"Not now," She whispered to herself,"Please not now."

She had learned good control, but there were still moments where she lost control. Moments where she still had to be carried outside and release the well of death that filled her that never stopped wanting to explode.

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