The Gray Sisters

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(A/N) Warning! Later in this chapter there will be gore and self harm but probably not in the way you think.

"Hey, wake up," Stiles said gently, brushing Hope's hair out of her face, making her eyes flutter open,"We're here."

Sitting up, Hope saw that they had landed, she brought her hand to her forehead, making sure that her new headband still wasn't there.

They were in a public airport, so when they stepped off the plane it was very crowded, people speaking in Greek so they couldn't understand a word of it.

"I'll get a car," Peter said, disappearing into the crowd.

Hope and Stiles stayed together, trying to find the exit. And Hope paused, glancing behind her shoulder just quick enough to see if they were being followed.

"Stiles, we're being followed," Hope muttered,"Nine o'clock. Don't look."

Stiles looked, and saw a large guy around his height with a military buzz cut and the Jackal tattoo under his ear.

"I said don't look!" Hope said.

Stiles locked eyes with the guy,"We should probably start running right now."

Their stalker started pushing people out of the way to try and get to them.

"Don't worry. I got it," Hope replied, looking back at the guy again,"Ad somnum."

He fell forward, unconscious and he landed with a thump and the crowd divided for him, shouting things in greek.

"I think I just made it worse," Hope stated as three more Reapers came into view,"Okay, now we're running. Split up, find the exit and call Peter."

Stiles nodded, and they let go of each other's hands. Each one going opposite directions.

"Hey, Peter," Stiles said into his phone,"You might want to hurry up with that car because we've got three, scratch that four Reapers following me. I don't really know if they're supernatural or not so just pick up the pace before I get killed, and don't feel rushed to reply to the message."

Someone grabbed onto Stiles' shoulder, and instinct took over. Spinning around, Stiles kicked the Reaper back. Human, at least this one was human.

Stiles did another kick, this time sweeping his foot around, gaining momentum, then it connected with his head, knocking him out.

The next however he was not so lucky when it came to them being human. Leaning back, claws moved straight over his face, dangerously close to his left eye.

Coming back up, he saw the blue eyes of an Omega. Stiles couldn't let himself hold back with him. And just like that his eyes darkened, all fear emptying out of his head. These were the same people that had taken his daughter.

The werewolf came at him again, and Stiles picked up a stranger's suitcase, blocking the claws and it punched straight through the plastic material, the claws inches from Stiles's face.

Twisting the suitcase, the arm followed it. Bringing his knee up, Stiles snapped the bone in the arm, making him roar in pain.

Grabbing the Omega by the back of the neck, he forced his head to slam into the ground over and over till he was knocked out.

The third one flicked out a paton, hitting Stiles in the side, making him grunt in pain, feeling several of his ribs bruise from the impact.

He blocked the next strike with his forearm, his human arm jolting from the force of the hit. Gritting his teeth, Stiles picked up another stray suitcase, a small but heavy one with the handle all the way extended; he swung it and hit the lady in the head, making her fall.

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