With Death There Is Always Rebirth

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The hoofbeats against the sand was the only sound. Echoing between the family of three.

Stiles kept looking behind him, trying to see if there was any light approaching. He felt as if he could sense the sun approaching.

He didn't know what would happen if they couldn't make it. But he knew, just like what had happened with the Nogitsune, Set would be let in.

They stopped at a cliff, there it was. The supposed birthplace of the gods.

It was a large circle, as big as four football fields, with fifty foot statues of the main gods in Egyptian mythology, for how old it was one would expect the stone to be weathered but it was like all of them had finished carving recently except for one. Ra's.

Anubis, Osiris, Ra, Isis, Khonshu, Horus, Shu, Nephtys, Bast, Geb, Nut, and Set. Those guys were the stuff of legends.

Stiles looked at the Anubis statue for a little longer than the others. The only other god that he had met. What would have happened if he had decided to take Anubis up on his offer to be his Champion. His daughter was a Harbinger of Death, it would've made sense for him to be the Champion of it, but he didn't. And Anubis, despite being a god, respected it and took the staff with him.

All those gods fought against Set and were barely able to stop him.

"We can't take the horses down," Hope said, drawing him out of his thoughts,"We'll have to go the rest..."

Ally fell from her horse, coughing up blood.

Darkness clenched Stiles's heart, throwing himself to the ground next to her he looked toward the east and saw the sun start to rise, the light racing toward them.

"Hope, go!" Stiles shouted suddenly,"Take her and get inside the circle! RUN!"

Scooping her up, Hope jumped off the cliff and took off running as fast as her legs would carry her.

Stiles ran as well, whatever power that remained in his body helping him go down faster than a human.

The light had already passed him and was at Hope's heels.

Ally held her throat as it started to bleed again.

Step after step, Hope raced against light itself. When she was fifty feet away from it, she gathered her strength and jumped launching forward into the circle and into the shadow of the Horus statue.

Hope watched Ally's cut heal, the veins disappearing and she let out a breath, her chest rising and falling.

She hadn't been out of breath in a long time,"You know..." She said between breaths,"It's not very easy being a Mom."

"Don't worry," Ally reassured her,"You're pretty good at it."

Stiles stopped running, even though he was still a long way away from them he could see Allison stand up, alive.

"They made it," He said to himself, feeling a weight lifting from his shoulders,"They made it."

The moment of light immediately went out, and quite literally. Sand started to rise up off the cliff that they had just been on and came crashing toward them like a dial wave, Ahmanet's face forming in it.

Stiles managed to catch a glimpse at Hope and Ally before it crashed into him.

Thunderclouds filled the sky, red lighting hitting the ground, making glass across the plane. Racing toward the circle. Hope's shield formed and she blocked the storm from hitting Ally.

Lighting started to hit the sand around them and when it all dissipated Stiles was in the circle on his knees in front of the statue of Set.

Ahmanet stood at the base of it, extending a hand. Something rose up from the sand and her fingers closed around it eagerly.

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