Seek And You Shall Find

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"You know, you guys set the bar way too high when it comes to relationship stuff," Ally stated, looking at Hope's engagement ring for what felt like the millionth time,"Kind of makes me worried that I won't find the kind of love that you and Dad have."

The Mother and daughter sat on the couch, having much needed girl time after the week they've had.

"We are very lucky with what we have," Hope said.

"You know, a lot of people keep saying to lower your expectations when it comes to trying to find a boyfriend."

"That's not what I did," Hope said,"Actually I wasn't even looking for a boyfriend in general."

"Oh, so the universe basically just dropped him in your lap?"

"Do you know what serendipity is?"

"Happy thing made by a coincidence," Ally answered.

"Yep," Hope said,"And I was actually avoiding every single kind of relationship that involved me losing someone I care about. But you both just kind of pried your way in."

"Stilinskis are scrappy that way," Ally replied with a smirk.

"And here's a tip. Never ever lower your expectations. If there's a boy out there that can somehow capture your heart, they better be good enough for you otherwise they might end up..." Hope decided not to finish,"The point is don't let anyone tell you to lower your standards, don't settle for some average guy that you could be happy with, always look for the guy that you will be happy with."

"Once again, setting the bar way too high," Ally mumbled, laying her head down on Hope's shoulder.

"Then shoot for the stars," Hope told her daughter.

"Did you ever have any girl talks with any of your family?"

"A little," Hope said,"But I'm glad that we get to have these all the time."

. . .

"For years you fought Malivore, how could you not find a way to remember Hope?" Freya growled on the phone at Alaric.

"We have all our witches doing locator spells. They're not working."

"Of course not," Freya said,"You knew her as a witch and a werewolf. Now she's the Tribrid."

There was a moment of silence for Alaric,"How do you know?"

"That's the only explanation. But you have that supernatural globe that Hope made you, so use it and find my niece."

As soon as she ended the call Rebekah vamped to her,"Anything?"

Freya shook her head,"We're still looking for her. I'm gonna try something else."

Rebekah followed her into the room above the foyer, a map placed there with the United States,"What does trying something else entail?"

"Hope is the Tribrid now, that means when she turned there was a shift in nature and that kind of magic leaves a mark. Consecrated ground."

"If you find where she turned, that doesn't mean she's there now."

"No, but it'll give us access to the place where the echo of her magic still existed. If I find that spot it may be able to give me what I need to be able to find her."

. . .

Stiles was a blur in the sky, unable to keep the smile off his face. He let the girls have their time together, mostly because he wanted to fly. He kept his hands extended in front of him, he didn't even know why he did it. It just felt right, like moving arms while running.

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