Darkness Is Found In Everyone

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Stiles was shoved into a cathedral, slamming into a pew, and he felt his ribs crack under the pressure.

The Mummy walked forward slowly, her body significantly regenerated, but not completely. Around her nose, and cheek it showed through to her skull and teeth and other similar patches spread all around her body.

Her two zombies dragged him back up, when he struggled they hit him in the stomach completely breaking his ribs making him cough.

He collapsed, but Ahmanet grabbed him by the neck forcing him back up, her long chipped nails digging into his skin, drawing blood.

"What do you want?" Stiles rasped.

Her other hand came up, and her hand gently brushed over the left side of his face, caressing it like a lover would.

She whispered something in Ancient Egyptian, pulling off his eye patch to look at the hollow socket that once held his eye.

Change Of View

While running, Hope pulled out her phone, calling Ally first.

She answered on the first ring,"Did it happen? Was it good--"

"Ally!" Hope half shouted to stop her from talking,"Remember those times we're always preparing you for?"

"What?" Ally said in a small voice.

"Look, I don't have a lot of time to explain now," Hope said,"Just go to the safe room and don't come out until your Dad or I come to get you."

"Mom, what's happening?" Ally whimpered.

"It's gonna be okay," Hope said,"I have to go now, get to the safe room."

Hope hung up then and she shifted going down onto all fours she became a white wolf running through the streets of New York City.

Change Of View

Stiles was slammed onto the altar, the zombies holding him down, and Ahmanet climbed on top of him, basically straddling him.

Her hands went under his shirt, tearing it open so she could see the muscle of his chest. Not completely jacked, but still toned.

"The hell are you doing?" Stiles demanded, pulling harder on the zombies holding him.

She moved her hand over where his heart pounded, she whispered something in Egyptian, and her eyes warped into a demonic form again.

Dark lightning arced between her fingers, and with a flick of her wrist she started electrocuting Stiles making him scream in pain.

He felt rage fill him that wasn't his own, an unholy power seemed to smash into him suffocating him.

A shadow fell over his mind, dark and powerful, he could feel it inching forward, its claws extended and ready to strike.

The doors to the cathedral exploded open, a wave of power knocking Ahmanet off of Stiles and he could feel the shadow halt its descent into his body.

Ahmanet screamed in outrage, standing up to see who had dared interfere.

Hope came into the light in all her Amazon glory.

Her shield on her left arm and sword on her right.

Nerves fried, muscles jelly, mind mush, but Stiles still couldn't be happier to see his girlfriend.

Hope sped to Stiles, cutting apart the zombies holding him down,"What did you do this time?"

"No clue," Stiles answered, wrapping an arm around her shoulders so she can help him up,"Agh, mother f--"

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