Daddy-Daughter Day

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That day was a good day despite how rough the morning had been. They went to Coney island, went around on the ferris wheel twice, both times of which Stiles had fallen asleep.

"Daddy, the ride's over," Ally whispered, poking him in the ribs.

Stiles blinked, his eyes opening. He smiled down at his daughter tiredly,"Sorry, Ally. I'm just a little tired."

"A little?" Ally repeated.

"Okay, a lot tired," Stiles replied,"Didn't get much sleep last night."

"We can go home," Ally offered.

"No, no. We are here for Daddy-daughter fun," Stiles said as they stood up from the cart,"And that means more ice cream for you, and a Red Bull for me."

Ally immediately perked up,"Well, if you insist."

They played different carnival games, going into the aquarium where Ally pointed at all the fish she recognized from Finding Dory.

When they got back outside, Ally went on the carousel while Stiles watched her, smiling.

"I missed you last name night," A familiar voice said and Peter stepped up beside Stiles.

Any joy Stiles felt was stomped out quickly at the sight of the Omega's face.

"But you put up quite the show of control," Peter admitted,"Even the oh-so incorruptible Scott McCall would have at least growled back."

"You just gonna talk about my self control or are you gonna tell me why you're here?" Stiles asked.

"How do you do it? Control that much rage?" Peter persisted,"I know it has something to do with little Ally being an anchor, but even the strongest willed beings have a breaking point. Especially with that darkness the Nemeton left in your heart," Peter whistles,"But you just brush it off."

"Why are you here, Peter?" Stiles asked.

"That darkness is affecting Scott more now," Peter said,"He's now more rageful, constantly on edge. Until finally...he killed someone."

Stiles looked at Peter in shock,"What?"

"There was a hunter going after his beloved Beta, who had a gun to his head. And Scott snapped. He was dead before he hit the ground."

"Is he...Is he still..."

"He's still an Alpha, but not a True Alpha. His eyes darkened, he's currently wallowing in his room. Or at least that's what Malia said when she texted me."

"And you came here to see if I was being affected too?" Stiles asked.

"Yes. Of course there were a number of variables to consider. When you were possessed did the Nogitsune feed on the Nemeton's darkness, then he separated your bodies so was it still just in that body? When you came back from the Wild Hunt, did it take that away from you as well? But my main concern was your daughter. As a parent myself I tend to get worried about innocent children."

"You came all the way across the country just to make sure I was being a good father?" Stiles asked.

"Yes. And it appears that you have in the father aspect of it, but you still have a lot of final notices left in your house. And you're out here playing with your daughter."

"You went through my house?" Stiles said, gripping the metal barrier of the carousel tightly.

"Oh, relax," Peter said, rolling his eyes,"If you need any more money just let me know."

"We don't need your help anymore," Stiles said,"I've gotten by seven years. All you really did was pay for her adoption, but all the papers were in my name."

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