Call Of An Old Enemy

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Sunday, the one day of the week Stiles got to relax, God's day of rest, and also his.

Allison knew not to wake him on Sundays, she always let him sleep in. Despite her young age, she knew how much work her father had to go through every day of the week.

Stiles slept past ten when the sound of his phone buzzing woke him up.

Groaning he reached for the flip phone, the only kind of phone he could afford.

"Hello?" Stiles said, still half asleep.

"Wow, I heard single parenting was hard but you sound like an absolute wreck," A familiar smug voice said.

All weariness disappeared from Stiles's mind, he sat up,"What do you want?"

"Can't I just check on the annoying teenage spaz that everyone knows and loves...Well, at least that would be the case if anyone still remembered you."

"What do you want, Peter," Stiles growled in a low voice, looking out the window like he was making sure that the Omega wasn't watching from a distance.

"Take it easy with the tone, would you?" Peter replied,"Your forgetting who paid for you to get custody of little Allison."

"And the condition was that I stay out of Beacon Hills forever," Stiles said,"And unless you have a reason to be calling after seven years..."

"I just happen to be in town, and I think we should meet for a drink," Peter said,"Catch up on old times."

"I don't have time for catching up, and I don't drink."

"Suit yourself, but you should still come see me. It qualifies as pretty urgent."

Stiles pursed his lips,"I guess I can get a sitter."

"Good," Peter said, satisfied, and he gave him the address and the time.

Change Of View

Hope's phone buzzed, waking her up, sitting up in her king sized bed she grabbed her iPhone 13 and saw it was a text from Chris.

Where were you last night?

Hope sighed, of course she expected this from Chris, she had actually been working on an explanation for it.

Wasn't feeling well. I'm sorry I couldn't make it.

I call bullshit, in the three years that I've known you, you've never been sick. You've never even complained about cramps.

Another one of the benefits of being part vampire, never having her period.

There were too many people, Hope offered, I have a social anxiety thing.

Alright, then tonight just you and me, same place.

I don't know if that'll work.

Fine, if you don't want to go, then don't. Just know I'll be drinking all by myself, wondering why Hope had decided to abandon me.

Guilt trip? Really?

Is it working?

A little bit.

Change Of View

"It's just gonna be for a little bit," Stiles told Ally, crouching in front of her so they were eye level,"Just some business I have to take care of. It'll probably take an hour at least."

"You're not going on a date, are you?" Ally asked, looking at him suspiciously.

Stiles chuckled,"I only have room for one girl in my life right now," Stiles reassured her,"I love you."

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