First Lesson

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Hope and Ally walked together outside the house around the trees,"What do you already know about your powers?"

"They come from people dying," Ally mumbled, like she was ashamed of it.

Hope nodded,"That's true. They do come from people dying. But I learned from a young age that dying is just another part of life, like being born. I've been doing a little studying on Banshees the last couple of days, and they could do more than see death."

Ally looked at her in confusion, and they both stopped walking,"Come on. Sit with me," Hope said, just sitting on the forest floor.

Ally followed suit, sitting in front of Hope, the Tribrid extended her hands palm up and Ally put her hands on top of Hope's.

"Close your eyes," Hope encouraged, and Ally did so,"I'm going to do a spell now, it's gonna trigger your powers, but focus on voice, not the screams."

"What if I hurt you?" Ally said nervously.

"I'm basically indestructible so you might not have to worry about that," Hope reassured her,"Are you ready?"

"Yes," Ally whispered.

Hope muttered the incantation, and the aura of death filled the air, a sense of grieving and anguish.

Ally's eyes opened, showing their banshee form, and she could hear the wails of the dead making her shudder.

"It's okay, Ally," Hope told her,"Ignore them, just focus on my voice."

"It's hard," Ally said, hearing an EKG flatline, and she flinched, almost taking her hands off of Hope's, but Hope held them in place.

"They're trying to take you away. Just stay here with me," Hope said,"You are in control, not them."

Ally found herself inside darkness, surrounded by several different lights, some large and gray, emanating an aura of death, while smaller ones were happy, cheerful, and brighter colored.

Hope saw Ally's body relax,"That's it," Hope told her,"Don't go towards the death, find something else."

Ally nodded her head, staying away from the cold gray lights, going toward the smaller ones. And as she passed the many lights, she found out she could hear sounds coming from them if she got close enough.

"You only hear the screams first because they're the loudest, but try listening for other sounds."

Ally nodded again, filtering through the many sounds while avoiding the screaming.

She found something, it was a baby crying, but it wasn't a bad sound. A woman let out a sound of soothing, and she could almost see what was happening.

The baby had woken up from a nightmare, and now the Mother held it in her arms, humming a lullaby.

"What do you hear?" Hope's voice asked, bringing her back to the woods, she came back to her body and her eyes turned back to normal.

"It was a baby and it's Mom," Ally answered, as they let go of each other's hands.

"You may be a Harbinger of Death, but also life. You are connected to all living things on Earth."

"Then why is Death the only thing I hear?"

"Because it brings up the most emotion out of everyone. Grief, pain, loss are some of the strongest emotions humans can feel. That's why when you hear screaming, it's about death."

Ally nodded, never having experienced the pain of death personally, but she felt the pain of everyone else around her.

"Did you know that you're the only banshee I know with supernatural eyes?" Hope asked and Ally shook her head,"Banshees are rare enough as it is, but with the power you have you're one in a million."

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