Death Must Exist for Life To Have Meaning

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"Oh, my gosh! My dad was a nerd," Ally said, looking at the old pictures Noah was showing her, an old video of him playing lacrosse where the ball literally bounced off his helmet,"Did he not have any athletic ability at all?"

"Not particularly," Noah replied, showing her another video of Stiles finishing last in a cross country meet and how he basically collapsed right before the finish.

"Hold on a second," Ally said, pulling out her own phone,"My Mom sent me this a couple months ago."

The video showed Stiles covered in sweat, a special eyepatch made for athletic activity covering his eye. He wore a tank top, and shorts, Hope visible in the mirror behind him holding the phone and taking a video. They were at some kind of workout gym and Stiles balanced a barbell on his back with two forty five plates on either side and a thirty five. With it on his back he did a lunge letting out a grunt as he did so. Then switching legs he put the other forward and he did it again.

"You've gotta be kidding me," Noah said, wide eyed.

"Dad wasn't exactly someone who liked working out at first then Mom became obsessed with him living as long as possible. So she started putting him through a bunch of runs and lifting heavy stuff."

"Why would she want him to live as long as possible? I mean, I get it but most people just go on a diet if they want to be healthier."

Before Ally could answer, she spotted Scott limping back toward the house, his wound mostly healed but there was still a lot of blood. Following her gaze, Noah rushed out of the house,"What the hell happened?" He asked, helping Scott before he fell.

"Stiles..." Scott stammered,"Stiles, he-he--"

Stiles appeared as if from thin air,"Scott?"

Scott's eyes widened at the sight of him,"What are you?"

"Scott, I can explain--"

"What are you?!" Scott demanded.

Ally started to realize what had happened, or the gist of it.

"It's complicated," Stiles said, looking at his Dad, then back at his best friend.

"Complicated? You threw a car like it was a baseball!" Scott said.

"What?" Noah asked, looking at Scott incredulous.

"Look, I can tell you everything, just--"

"I'm not doing anything till you explain," Scott snarled.

Lips pressed together in a thin line, he glanced over at Ally, and she nodded.

"A few weeks ago I died," Stiles said,"And I was brought back to life by the Egyptian god Horus, to be his Champion. He gave me abilities, powers to use."

"That's impossible," Noah said,"There's no such thing as gods."

Swallowing, Stiles debated his next decision. And coming to the conclusion he looked at them with a mixture of emotions.

From their view, they could see something like a weight be lifted from Stiles's shoulders, then he started to float up above them. The sun casting him in a golden glow.

They had to crane their necks in order to look at him, but it was enough for them to realize the truth.

Drifting back down, Stiles looked at them,"I'm still trying to figure it all out myself. And...we think that when I was reborn that it may have done something that made your memories come back."

"'re not human. You're a god now?" Noah asked, his breathing heavy.

"Godling," Stiles corrected,"One of two as far as we know right now."

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