Chapter 2

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Assalam please follow and do your salats first this book can always wait. I do not want anyone missing out their prayer because of my book.

South Africa Cape Town:
April 2012

3 months later

Layla Pov

I've got to know Fatima well in these three months and everything is just perfect. It's like we've known each other since years like seriously fantastic.

Right now we are sitting in the school's canteen. I see a group of girl all huddle around someone. That's werid it never happened before.

"Dude let's go look what's happening there." Fatima encourages me. I would lie if I didn't want to know what's going on, but I really don't want to go there. What if it's a fight and I watch it I'll also get in trouble that's a big no, no.

"Fatima no, what if someone is having a fight we would also be in troubled." I say trying to convince her that it's a bad idea, but truth be told when has she actually listened to my warning. I'm actually glad that she didn't because I also wanted to know what's happening.

" I'll go see, because I can see you also wanted to know by the look on your face but your scare. I'll be right back."

Soon she cames back with an excited face. Wait excited this is not good now she will not have good news for me but of course it's good for her.

" Laylaaa! We have a new boy in school and his name is Ash. His so hot can you believe it. Too good to be true." she goes on and on about how hot this guy is can you like seriously believe this girl. She wears a hijab but talks like such. Anyways I zone out while she continues to rabble on and on about this new boy called Ash.

"Haraam!" (forbidden) I gasp.

"It's not like I'm dating him. There is no wrong is praising Allah creation." she says with fake horror on her face. Oh my word this girl will never change.


Few days later

"Hi my names Ash. What's yours" Ash asks me with his hands infront of me to shake.

"I can't shake hands with you. My religion forbids it." I say in an apologic way hoping he understands me.

He pulls his hand away and asks again. "You didn't answer me."

"I sorry I don't give my name to strangers. So if you excuse me please." I try walking pass him but he cames infront of me.

"What are you playing, hard to get? You can't tell me your name, your so called religion stops you from shaking my hand. What game is this huh."

"First of all you don't speak such about my religion and secondly I don't play hard to get. What I do play is never to get. Understood." I stomp on his foot and ran back to class. I was caming back from using the restroom during my class hours.

"You'll pay for this and you'll pay hard." I hear him shout at me, which makes me feel extremely scared. Dread fills my heart and I am scared could be seen on my face. I walk slowly back to class and take my seat next to Fatima.

"Girl what took you so long." Fatima says suddenly realising the state I am in. "Layla what happened, why do you look so pale."

"Layla, Fatima please face the board and pay attention." Mrs Fortuin says in a strick manner.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you at break time."  I say and try my best to pay attention.

After the lesson Fatima gives me a bear hug which gives me a small bit of comfort.

"Now will you tell me what happened." I then told her everything and she looks at me shocked.

"What, if I was in your place I would have smacked his head off. It's true good looking faces have the ugliest hearts. I'll check him for you." she says getting up.

I quickly hold her hand. "No Fatima just leave it, you will just end up making things worse." I say in a pleasing tone. After a lot of convincing she finally sat down but the look on her face told me otherwise.

I really hope she doesn't go behind my back to threaten that guy. He really seems bad news the type of vibes I found from him isn't good. South Africa is a diverse country everyone respects each others believes and don't question them.

The way he said reacted after I told him the no touching business it seemed as if he was on a roll to immediately take offense. I need to stay far away from him. Far away for my own benefit.



Short chapter I know but I have to stop here the next chapter will be a a leap of 10 years so be prepared for the real part to begin.






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