Part 1

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Today was the day I have been waiting for, the day we go to the haunted Queen Mary ship. I couldn't believe I was finally getting to go. 

"How much longer?" My friend Amy asked. 

"Yeah," My friend Will said. "I'm hungry and a mans gotta eat." 

"We're almost there," I said. "It's only like three or four minutes away." 

"I still can't believe you talked us into going," Will said. 

I've been wanting to go to this ship for years and I haven't been able to because I wanted to bring another person. I plan to talk with the spirits on the ship, and I need someone there in case something crazy happens. Amy was always willing to  go, but she was unsure about coming to a haunted boat, even though I told her we weren't going to a moving, working boat. 

Will on the other hand, was always so worried he wouldn't look manly enough at a haunted place to protect us from something we can't see. He was all about looks and the way he appeared to other people. I told him I would take him to a club if he came with me and Amy. 

"Well," I said. "You better, because we are here." 

I parked the car and hopped out, making my way to the trunk and grabbing my bags. Will and Amy doing the same. 

"It actually looks really pretty," Amy said. 

"Yeah well, the history of it isn't," I said. 

"What do you mean?" Will asked. 

"I'll tell you when we get to the room," I said. 

We walked into the entrance of the boat and made our way to the check in desk. When I got up there I gave them my name and they gave me the key to the room. 

"Okay guys," I said. "Let's go to our room." 

"What's the room number?" Amy asked. 

"B340," I responded with a smirk on my face. 

"Why are you smirking like that?" Will asked. 

"No reason," I said as I turned around to walk to the elevator. 

Once we got to the room, I opened the door and slowly walked in. 

"Okay," Will said as he let out a sigh. "We've been here, now can we go to the club?" 

"No," I said. "We have to do an investigation." 

"Ugh!" Will groaned. 

"Can we know why the room is so haunted now?" Amy asked. 

"There have been a bunch of people who have died in this specific room," I started. "People have hung themselves and died of heart attacks. They've closed the room to the public because of this, but they've opened it up for a limited time. That's I wanted to go super bad this week." 

"Damn," Will said. "So this room has a bunch of negative energy?" 

"Yep," I said, popping the "p". 

"M, can we get Postmates?" Amy asked. 

"Yes, Amy," I said. "We can." 

"Yay!" She said as she started jumping up and down while opening her phone. 

<<Time Skip>> 

Amy, Will, and I had eaten our Postmates and we were getting ready to do a seance with the things we brought and supplies we found left in the room. We were sat down in a circle around the table, when we heard a knock at the door. Our heads snapped in the direction of the door. 

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