Part 20

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⚠️ T.W. There is going to be more talk about Mike in this chapter, so please skip over the part where M tells everyone about it if it is triggering for you. She is just going to tell the rest of the roommates what she went through with Mike.  

Malory's POV. 

Finally, I thought to myself. I'm home.  

Today had been a long day. Sam made us wake up an hour early so we would be at the airport like two hours early. Then, our flight got delayed and we had to wait another two hours to get on the plane. When we were finally on the plane, we had to wait on the plane for another forty five minutes before we took off. 

When we got back to LAX Airport in LA, the luggage claim thing was broken, so we had to go to two different baggage claims that were on the completely other end of the airport from each other. Luckily, Kat was right on time to pick us up so we could get home and get some sleep. Lord knows I needed it after the long events of today. 

"I think I wanna tell them," I told Colby as we layed in his bed. 

"Tell them about Mike?" He asked, confirming. 

"Yes," I responded. "They all deserve to know. I mean, I want them to at least be aware of the situation in case something happens." 

"Whatever you are comfortable with, princess," Colby said as he tightened his grip around my waist. "But for now, lets get some sleep." 

"Okay," I said. "Goodnight, Colbs." 

"Goodnight, M," Colby said softly as we both drifted off into sleep.

I wake up the next morning with a weird feeling in my gut. I knew I needed to tell everyone else about me and Mike, but I was a little nervous. What if they think I'm weak? What if they get upset because I didn't try harder to do anything? I mean, that's what happened with my mom. I just hope that everyone is somewhat excepting or at least keeps other thoughts to themselves. 

I felt someone playing with my hair and softly humming a tune. 

"Good morning," I said softly. 

"Good morning, Princess," He replied. 

I turned around so I could see him. His hair was messy and a little curly, his eyes were still a little droopy and tired looking, and his eyes were as blue as ever. 

"Are you sure you wanna tell everyone?" He asked. 

"Yes," I said. "They deserve to know why I randomly asked to stay for a few weeks." 

"Okay," He said. "As long as your sure you're comfortable with it. Just know I'll be there for you, and if you wanna back out, you can. We won't judge you." 

"Thank you," I replied. "For everything." 

"I would do anything for you," He confessed. "Even if we haven't known each other that long."  

Colby and I layed there for a few more minutes before he texted everyone saying we needed to talk about somethings in the living room in ten minutes. We got out of bed and changed into some clothes and I put on some light makeup really quick after I fixed my hair. I put on black leggings and a Los Angeles crew neck. 

"Everyone is downstairs," Colby told me as I finished up my make up.

I took a deep breath as I looked at myself in the mirror. 

"You've got this," He whispered into my ear as he hugged me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder. 

"Are you sure?" I asked, not believing what he just said. 

"There's no doubt in my mind," He told me as he stood back up. "But we should probably go down so that they don't get too suspicious."

"Okay," I said. 

We walked down stairs and into the living room. Everyone was sitting there, patiently waiting for Colby and I. I was beyond nervous by now, but there was no going back. 

"Okay," Colby started, getting everyone's attention. "Malory has something that she wants to tell you guys. So, if she could have your undivided attention, Jake." 

"What?" Jake exclaimed. "I'm paying attention so far." 

Everyone let out a small laugh and I just rolled my eyes. I took a deep breath and I started to explain. 

⚠️ T.W. Skip if this might be triggering. ⚠️ 

"So as you guys know," I started. " I need a place to stay, and you guys have kind of taken me in. So, firstly, I want to say thank you. I want you guys to know and be aware of the main reason I need someplace to stay." 

I took a deep breath before continuing.    

"When I first moved to LA," I continued. "I meet a guy named Mike. We hit things off pretty well, and we developed feelings. We got together and dated for a few months before I slowly lost those feelings I had. We went on a date and I told him I think we were better as friends. I remember the drive home was so fucking long and so scary." 

"When we got home, he started abusing me and would make me do things I never wanted to do. He would use me and he made me stop hanging our with Amy and Will. It went on for so long, that I thought I was just gonna die that way. One day, he left, and he left a phone on the counter, and I used it to call the police." 

"They came and Mike was sent to jail," I said. "He was recently released, and has been bothering me ever since." 

I looked over at Colby, and he gave me a soft smile. It was getting hard to talk because my voice was getting thick, like I was about to cry. 

"The other day, when we were at the club with Will and Amy, I saw him, and that is why Colby and I left early," I told them, trying not to let the tears come out. "A few days ago, when Colby was at my apartment, he showed up and banged on my door for about an hour or two. I just felt like you guys needed to know why the move had to happen so sudden. I'm looking for somewhere to move and I'm willing to pay any rent or for anything you guys need." 

You can continue reading now ;)

"M," Kat said as she stood up, Devan following behind her. 

They both came up to me and gave me a hug which I greatly needed. 

"We're so sorry you had to go through that," Devan said as they pulled away. 

"That sounds awful," Sam said as I walked over to Colby and sat next to him, Colby wrapping an arm around me. 

"Don't worry about paying for anything," Sam said. "You really don't need to." 

"Are you sure?" I asked. 

"Yes," Corey said immediately. "You're trying to get back on your feet and the last thing you need is to have to pay us back for anything." 

"Plus," Jake added. "What you went through was rough. You couldn't watch TV or talk to other people. We're gonna make up for that." 

"Just know that we are here for you, M," Aaron added.

"Thank you guys," I said. "Really. I appreciate it more than you guys will ever realize." 

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