Part 23

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Colby's POV 

"I want to do something for her," I told Sam as we sat in the living room. 

Everyone had gone to sleep, and I was asking him for some advice on what to do for M. I just feel so bad for her. She shouldn't have to deal with this, and Mike shouldn't think it's okay to do any of this. 

"Okay," Sam responded. "What?" 

"I don't know," I replied honestly. "I was thinking of asking her out on a date, but I don't want to move to quickly considering what she's been through." 

"That's a good idea," Sam said. "But maybe don't label it as a date. Maybe just ask her, 'Hey, wanna hang out?'" 

"You're right," I told him. "I just feel bad. She shouldn't have to go through this." 

"She should seriously think about a restraining order," Sam commented. 

"Oh, definitely," I responded. "I'm gonna make sure she gets one, or he ends back up in jail. One or the other." 

"Well, just don't rush anything, brother," Sam told me. "Just give her a little bit of time and make sure she's safe." 

"I will," I responded. 

With that, we said our goodnights and we made our separate ways to our rooms. When I quietly opened the door, I saw M cuddled up on my bed. 

God, she's gorgeous, I thought to myself. 

I quickly changed into a pair of sweatpants and got in the bed with M. I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist, and she snuggled up into me. 

Malory's POV 

I woke up the next morning to an arm wrapped tightly around my waist, and someone playing with my hair. I turned over and saw Colby laying there awake, just looking and playing with my hair. 

"Good morning," He said in a raspy morning voice. 

"Good morning," I replied back in a soft morning voice, nothing like his. 

"I like your hair," He told me. 

"Thank you," I said. "How long have you been awake?" 

"Just a few minutes," He responded. "I do have a question to ask you though." 

"Shoot," I told him. 

"Do you wanna hang out together today?" He asked me. 

"Like a date?" I asked. 

"Maybe," He replied, sounding hopeful. 

"Yes," I said. "I would love to 'hang out' with you." 

"Yay!" He exclaimed as he pulled me closer into him, giving me a tight hug. 

"You seem excited," I commented. "What do you have planned Mr.Brock?" 

"Nothing," He said suspiciously. "You'll just have to wait and see. Dress casually, but make sure to wear a swimsuit or bring one with you." 

"Okay," I responded. "We're going to the beach aren't we?" 

"Damn it," He responded. 

I just giggled in response. "It's okay, I love the beach." 

"Good," He told me. 

The rest of the day went by pretty fast, we hung out with the rest of the room mates and we ate lunch quickly so we could get ready to "hang out". I put an all black bikini, different from the one I wore the other day, and put on some shorts and a over-sized t shirt paired with a pair of Birkenstock's. I put my hair in a loose messy bun and packed a small bag with some sunscreen, a towel, sunglasses, water, and a hat. 

 "Are you ready to go?" Colby asked as he entered the room as I was pulling my small backpack over my shoulder. 

"Yep!" I exclaimed as I grabbed my phone off the charger and we went downstairs. 

"Bye guys!" Colby announced to the whole house. "Don't call us or text us!" 

"Not making any promises!" I heard Sam yell back, making me giggle. 

"Then we won't answer!" Colby replied. 

"Then I'll call until you do!" Sam fired back.

"We're leaving!" Colby said and we rushed outside before Sam could yell something else. 

We got into his red corolla that I have learned to love. I hope this afternoon goes well. I really want to just have fun without it being interrupted by anything. We listened to music as we made our way to the beach. 

Once we made it to our destination, we got out of the car and practically sprinted to find a spot in the sand. We found one that wasn't too far nor too close to the water and set our stuff down. I took my towel out of my bag and laid it out. 

I laid on top of my towel while Colby was applying sunscreen. We laid on the beach for about 45 minutes before we actually got into the water. I wasn't upset about it though. I've always been pale and took any opportunity to attempt to tan even though I burn most of the time. Once we were done in the water, we dried off and put our clothes back on then headed back to the car. 

When we got to the car, there was a piece of paper on the windshield that read...

Hey Pumpkin, 

I see you and boy toy here are coming to the beach. Fun. You always looked good in swimsuits. Hope to see you while you're here. If not, then I'll see you later. 


My eyes began to water, and I suddenly felt unsafe. Colby and I got in the car, and Colby sped home. A perfectly good afternoon ruined because of one piece of paper. 

Colby's POV 

Malory looked so good in her swimsuit. Of course I didn't say that out loud. We went back to the car and I saw a piece of paper. 

Oh God, I thought.  

M read it, and I could tell it was from him before she even read the second word. She got in the car quickly. I got in after looking around to make sure there wasn't anyone trying to follow us, and I quickly drove back to the house. The whole car ride home, I could tell M felt uncomfortable. 

I hate that man for what he's done to her. She can't do anything fun because of this. She's paranoid and there's nothing anyone can do about it. 

When we get home, I think. I'm gonna make sure she's okay and help her get a restraining order on Mike soon. He doesn't need to be within a hundred miles of her ever.  

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