Part 15

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Colby and I spent most of the day together. We joked around and watched a couple of movies. We even talked about going on another video soon. 

"I think it would be awesome," Colby told me. 

"But what about your fans?" I asked him. "You only met me a few days ago, and now your asking me to go to another place with you. I just don't want to fans to start rumors or something." 

"I get that," Colby said. "But what if I told you that you would have a really good time, you could get away from the stress of LA, and Sam and I would offer to pay for your flight and everything." 

"Colby," I groaned slightly. "You're making this really difficult."

"It's my specialty," He told me. "Now please say yes!" 

"Promise me I won't get arrested?" I asked him. 

"I'm not sure about that one," He said. "We're going at night so there is less chance of us getting caught though, so we shouldn't have to worry about that too much." 

"And you are 100% sure that Sam is okay with this?" I asked him, making him wait longer. 

"Yes," He said. "I texted him about it earlier." 

"And you're sure I'm gonna have fun if I go?" I asked. 

"When have you not had fun with us?" He responded with a question of his own. 

"I guess that's true," I admitted. 

"So," Colby started. "Is that a yes?" 

"Maybe," I said. 

"M!" Colby exclaimed. "Please! Just say yes!" 

"Yes," I said, giggling slightly at his child-ish behavior. 

"Yay!" He exclaimed as he pulled me into a tight hug. 

"Oh my god, Colby!" I said. "I need to breathe!" 

"Sorry," He said. "I'm just glad I talked you into it. You were being more stubborn than I thought you would be." 

"So what exactly are we doing?" I asked him. 

"We are going to go to an abandoned power plant in New Orleans," He told me, answering my question. "But like I said, we are going to go at night so make sure you are in all black." 

"Got it!" I told him. 

Just then, my phone started to ring, and I checked the caller ID. 


"Amy's calling me," I told Colby as I answered it. 

"Hello?" I answered. 

"Hey, is Colby with you?" She asked. 

"Yeah, why?" I asked suspiciously. 

"Because there's a certain someone trying to get into my apartment," She responded. 

"What?" I asked.  "Who?"  

"Mike," She answered. 

My heart dropped to my toes. Why would he bother Amy? She didn't have anything to do with this. I could hear banging on the other side of the phone and faintly from the hallway. I'm assuming she locked her door, but he must want in really bad. 

"Hang on," I told her. 

"Colby, is the door locked?" I asked, drawing my attention back to him. 

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