Part 12

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"I'm gonna go grab another drink," Colby told me.

We had been at the club for about twenty minutes, and Colby and I were sitting at a booth while everyone else was dancing or mingling or probably even making out. 

"Don't move," He said firmly as he stood up and made his way over to the bar. 

Colby had been gone for about two minutes before I heard a voice call, "Hey, M!" 

I looked to my left to see Amy and Will standing there. 

"Hey guys!" I replied, waving them over. 

"You here alone?" Will asked, a little hope in his voice. 

"Nope," I responded. "Colby went to get another drink and everyone else is kind of scattered around." 

"Oh, okay!" Amy exclaimed. "Me and Will took a few shots before we came." 

"I can tell," I said. 

Amy was a lot more bubbly than she usually was. Will even seemed a little less like an ass. We sat there for another few minutes and talked about what we had been up to when Colby came back with his drink. 

"Hey guys!" He said as he sat down next to me. 

"Hey Colby!" Amy exclaimed. 

"Hey," Will said dryly. 

"What'd you get?" I asked him as I smiled, a little tipsy. 

"A white claw," He responded, smiling back at me, obviously a little tipsy too.

"Oh," I said. "That sounds good!" 

"Amy, can I get out for a second?" He asked. 

"Sure," Amy said and let him out of the booth. 

"Thanks," He told her as he started walking away. 

"What in his pants?" I asked Amy. 

"Nothing," She replied. "And I think that's the problem." 

"Always been a horny ass," I said as I sipped on my drink. 

"I'm gonna go dance," Amy said as she stood up. 

"Alright," I said. "Have fun and use protection!" 

"Whatever," She said as she walked off. 

I turned back to Colby and saw him looking at me. 

"Have I told you you're beautiful?" Colby asked. 

"A few times," I replied. "Yes." 

"Can I tell you again?" He asked. 

I giggled and replied, "Sure." 

"You're beautiful," He said. 

"Thanks," I replied, giggling and blushing. 

Thank god the lights in the club were a little crazy so he couldn't tell I was blushing. 

"Do you wanna dance?" I asked him. 

"Sure," He replied as we made out way to the dance floor.

We danced around and had a bunch of fun. Eventually, we met back up with Sam and Kat and danced with them, but we lost them a few minutes later. The time was about one thirty, and Colby and I were a little more than just tipsy. The whole group had gotten back together, and we were all starting to get a little tired. 

Colby and I went to the bar to get one last drink, when I saw someone who looked a little familiar. Mike. He was talking to someone, but I couldn't tell who it was because their back was turned to me. He saw me and smiled, but I started to panic inside. 

"Colby," I said quickly, tapping his shoulder repeatedly. 

"Yes, M?" He asked, concern in his voice.  

"He's here," I told him quickly. 

"Who is?" He asked, unsure of who "he" was. 

"Mike," I said, almost in a whisper. 

"Do you wanna go?" He asked. "We can an Uber and get someone else to drive my car back." 

"Is that okay?" I asked. 

"If that's what you're gonna feel safer with, then yes," He replied. "It's okay." 

"How fast can an Uber get here?" I asked. 

Colby pulled out his phone and started to look for a an Uber to come pick us up. 

"There can be one here in like five minutes," He told me. 

"Okay," I responded. 

We went to find Sam again, and explained that we needed to leave, and we needed someone to drive Colby's car back to the Traphouse because he was too drunk to drive. Thankfully, Sam didn't ask too many questions, and we were able to wait outside for the Uber. 

Once we got in the Uber, Colby and I in the backseat, he asked my what happened, and how I knew it was him. 

"You were ordering our drinks," I started. "And I looked out at the dance floor, and I saw him talking to someone. I don't know who they were because their back was turned to me, but Mike saw me and he smiled at me. It just freaked me out and I didn't want anything to happen after that." 

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked. 

I just nodded my head and said, "Thank you. For everything." 

"It's no problem, princess," He told me. 

Princess?!?  I thought. Did he just call me princess?!?

My heart fluttered when I heard the nickname. When we got back to my apartment, Colby went all the way up with me to make sure I was okay. 

"Do you want me to stay?" He asked as I got to my apartment. 

"You don't have to," I told him. "I'll be fine. Worst case, I can call you." 

"Okay," He said. "I'll hold you to that. Call me if you get a weird feeling or something okay?" 

"Okay," I replied. 

"Talk to you later!" I said. 

"Bye, M," He replied.

With that, I closed the door to my apartment and let out a small sigh. A great night ruined by one single person. I made my way to my room and I changed out of my dress. I put on an over-sized hoodie and put my hair in a messy bun. Once I had changed, I washed my make up off and brushed my teeth, then laid down in bed and went to sleep. 

I slept peacefully, until I had a nightmare.        

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