Part 18

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 Colby's POV 

I woke up before M with a massive headache. I quietly and slowly got out of bed, careful not to wake her up, and went to the kitchen to find ibuprofen. I checked all the cabinets, losing hope every time I didn't find the small bottle of pills, until I opened the last cabinet to find the ibuprofen. I turned to go back to my room, only to be met with Kat standing right behind me. 

"You like her," She said. "Don't you?" 

"Who is her?" I questioned, trying to act clueless. 

"Malory," She responded, yelling slightly. "I can tell by the way you look at her. I bet she likes you back." 

"What makes you think that?" I asked her, curious if she knew anything I didn't. 

"The way she looks back at you," She started. "It's the way her mood changes the second you say something or interact or hell just enter the room. I'm sure, almost, completely without a doubt, one hundred percent sure she likes you. And if I'm wrong, I'll pay you a hundred bucks." 

"And if she does like me, do I have to pay you?" I asked, not believing what Kat was telling me. 

"Nope," She responded, sarcastically. "Just something fun for me. You wouldn't necessarily pay me one hundo, but you could pay me fifty?"

"Fine," I said as I shook her hand. 

With that, I made my way back upstairs and back to my room. Luckily, M was still asleep. 

God, she is perfect, I thought. 

The way her hair layed over her face when she slept, or the way her face looked so calm when she was sleeping. Even the way my clothes looked on her made her look even better than she already was. I took the ibuprofen and layed back down in the bed with Malory, softly playing with her hair until I fell asleep. 

Malory's POV 

I woke up to Colby playing with my hair. 

"Good morning, Princess," He said softly in his morning voice. 

"Good morning, Colbs," I responded in a slight whisper. "What time is it?"  

"It's almost 10," He told me. "Why?" 

"Just wondering," I responded. 

"Do you wanna get your stuff out of my car?" He asked me. 

"In a minute," I replied as I snuggled into him more. 

Colby let out a small chuckle and said, "Alright, but just know you have a trip you need to pack for."     

"Ugh," I groaned. "I don't wanna pack." 

"But it should be easy," He said optimistically. "Everything you pretty much own is already is a few bags, so all you have to do is take stuff out." 

"Still," I responded as I pulled back from him slightly. "It's too much work." 

"We aren't leaving for the next couple of days, so you have plenty of time to do it," Colby told me. 

"But I have to go to work tomorrow," I complained. 

"You work at Starbucks right?" He asked. 

"Unfortunately," I said. "But I'm gonna quit soon to start my YouTube. I just wanna make a little more money so I have enough to last a while."  

"That's fair,"  Colby told me. "What Starbucks is it at?" 

"The ones that's like, a block from my apartment," I responded. 

"Do you need a ride?" He offered. 

"I mean," I started. "Unless we wanna go get my car, then I think I have to get a ride from someone." 

"Is that a hint that you want to go get your car?" He asked. 

"Maybe," I said. 

"We can go get it later if you want," He told me. 

"Yay!" I exclaimed. 

Colby and I laid around for a few more minutes, that slowly turned into an hour or two. We got my things out of Colby's car and went to get my car from my apartment building. Luckily, I had brought my keys with me, so I didn't have to go back to my apartment. 

I hopped into my car and I followed Colby back to the trap house. I missed my car so much. More than I probably realized honestly. My car was like my baby because I couldn't have a dog in my apartment, and I didn't want kids. 

I missed being able to listen to whatever music I wanted to, and belt out the lyrics without being embarrassed about it. When we got back to the house, I started packing for the trip, even though I really didn't want to. I had probably packed about three or four outfits before I started to get tired and went to look for Colby. 

He had left to talk to Sam about something, so I figured he would be in Sam's room. I knocked on Sam's door, and he let me in. 

"Is Colby in here?" I asked. 

"What's up?" Colby asked. 

"I was just letting you know that I was going to bed," I informed him. 

"Oh okay," He said. "I'll probably be in there in a few minutes." 

"Alright," I responded. "Goodnight, Colbs." 

"Goodnight, Princess," He said as I closed the door. 

With that, I went back to Colby's room and quickly changed into my pj's. I washed my face and went to bed, having a dreamless sleep I most definitely needed.   

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