Part 19

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The next few days went by really fast and it was finally time for us to go to New Orleans. We got on the plane and landed a few hours before we went to the abandoned power plant. 

"You ready M?" Colby asked me as they set everything up. 

"Yep," I responded, smiling. 

"Alright," Sam said. "Do you mind standing off to the side for a second? We have an announcement we need to make before we introduce you." 

"Yeah," I said. "Whatever you guys want or need me to do. It's your channel after all." 

I moved over to the side and I let the boys do their intro and the announcement that they were going to go on tour. They were so energetic about it, but we had to move because there was a bunch of people. After they announced the tour, they introduced me to the viewers. 

"Some of you might remember her from our last video at the Queen Mary ship," Colby started. "But we wanted to repay her for kind of barging into her hotel room that night." 

"Plus," Sam continued. "We've kept contact with each other and have actually been becoming good friends over time." 

"That's why you invite random people into your hotel rooms kids," I said jokingly to the camera. 

"They can turn out to be the best people," Colby added. 

"Or some crazy people you just so happen to get along with," I corrected. 

"Anyways," Sam said, getting us back on track. "Let's get into the power plant and do some stupid stuff." 

"Let's fucking go!" Colby exclaimed. 

We found a way into the power plant and when we got in, I was honestly amazed. I had never really been inside of an abandoned building, so I was amazed by the way it looked. 

"Wow," I said. 

"What?" Colby asked. "First time?" 

"Yea," I replied honestly. 

We explored the plant for a little bit before the boys decided they wanted to climb a super tall tower on the plant to put a sticker on it. 

"You guys are crazy," I said as we were looking up at it. "All the climbing for a sticker no one is going to see." 

"Who wants to go first?" Sam asked. 

"I will," Colby said. 

"M, you wanna go after him and I follow behind?" Sam suggested. 

"That's fine with me," I replied as I followed closely behind Colby. 

We were about half way up when Colby stopped randomly. 

"Is something wrong?" I slightly shouted at him.

"No," He said. "I'm just tired." 

"Dude," Sam exclaimed. "You can't just stop." 

"Ugh," Colby groaned as we continued our climb. 

"Don't complain," I told him. "This was partly your idea." 

We finished our climb and sat at the top for a few minutes before Sam turned the camera back on to record Colby putting the sticker on. 

"If you come here yourself," Colby started. "We don't recommend that you come looking for this sticker and do what we just did."  

"Yea," I said. "That was a very long climb on a very tall tower thing. The wind was crazy." 

"This was definitely not one of our safest ideas," Sam added. "But now we have to climb down and get out of here." 

We climbed down and got out of the power plant. We made our way back to the rental car and filmed the outro. 

"So, Malory," Colby said. 

"Yes, Colby," I responded. 

"Would you ever make another video with us like this?" He asked me. 

"Yes, definitely," I replied. "It was really fun. Besides the whole almost dying over a hundred feet in the air part." 

"Yeah," Sam said. "Well, that was really poor thinking on our part." 

"Hell yeah it was," I told him. 

"On that note," Colby said, wrapping the video up. "Thank you guys so much for watching. Please like and subscribe. Malory's socials will be link in the description so make sure you go and check her out."  

"She might also have a soon to be YouTube channel," Sam said, quietly. 

"I'm working on it," I said honestly. 

"Alright," Sam started. "Thank you guys for watching and see ya next time. Peace." 

With that, Colby turned off the camera, and the video was finished. 

"Why would you say see ya next time if you don't actually see the viewers?" I asked Sam curiously. 

"Because," Sam said, thinking about his answer. "Well I don't really know. It just kind of came out, I guess." 

With that, we loaded into the car and headed back to the hotel before our flight home tomorrow. I couldn't wait to get some sleep. I was so tired and my body was kind of sore from all the climbing we did tonight. 

Colby's POV 

On the way back to the hotel, I could hear soft snores from the back seat. When I looked back, I saw M, leaning against the window asleep. 

"Somebody's falling in love," Sam sang. "And somebody doesn't want to confess." 

"I do," I said defensively. "It's just. She's going through a tough time and I don't want to add any stress to it, ya know?" 

"I get that," Sam told me. "But you don't want to wait too long or it is going to be late."

"What do you mean, too late?" I asked. 

"She might get feelings for someone else," Sam responded. "Or she might loose the possible feelings she might have for you right now. You never know until you ask." 

"I'm gonna ask her when we get back," I told Sam truthfully. "I'm gonna tell her how I feel, but I want to make sure you guys know why I waited till later." 

"You're gonna make her tell us?" Sam asked. "Seems a little manipulative."

"No," I said. "I'm gonna make sure she has told you guys, but I'm not gonna force her too. She's been forced through enough in her life already." 

"Whatever you say, brother," Sam said as we turned into the hotel. "Just do whatever feels right for you, and whatever will make M happy."    

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