Part 26

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I felt sparks go through my entire body. There was nothing else that mattered in this moment except me and Colby. Colby pulled away after a few seconds, leaving a smile on my face. 

"Malory," Colby started. "I know we've only known each other for a week or so, but I honestly feel like I've known you a life time." 

"Colby," I said softly. 

He leaned in so our foreheads where touching. 

"Malory," He said. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes," I said, blushing. 

"Really?!?" Colby exclaimed with excitement, pulling away in disbelief.  

"Yes, Colby," I replied, smiling. "I'll be your girlfriend." 

Without a second thought, I pulled him into a kiss. We stayed there for a minute or two. Just taking everything in before Colby pulled away. 

"Wait!" He exclaimed. "How are we gonna tell everybody?" 

"I don't know," I responded. "We could pull a prank on them. Like a "Fake Girlfriend" prank, but at the end, we could be like "It wasn't a prank"." 

"That actually sounds like a good plan," Colby said, smiling at me. "But we should go back with everyone so they don't get too suspicious." 

"Okay," I said as I hopped off the counter. "Let's go." 

We went back to the living room with everyone else, and we sat on the love sac next to each other. 

"You okay, M?" Aaron asked me. 

"Yep," I replied. "Just have a busted lip, that's all." 

"And Colby didn't protect you from getting it?" Jake asked, annoying Colby. 

"Actually," Colby started, getting annoyed. "I punched Mike, he went to hit me, but Malory got in the way. She took the punch for me." 

"Badass," I heard Corey mutter. 

"Damn right," Sam said, hearing Corey too. "She was a lot calmer than I would've been, that's for sure." 

"I'm proud of you," Colby whispered in my ear. 

"Thank you," I whispered back. "Thanks for standing up for me." 

"Anytime," Colby responded. 

"Quit flirting lovebirds," Corey said. 

Everyone laughed, even Colby and I so they wouldn't suspect anything. We sat in the living room watching tv and goofing of until we got bored. 

"I'm bored," Kat whined. 

"Me too," Me and Devyn added. 

"What do you girls want to do?" Sam asked. 

Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. 

"I have an idea," I announced. "Us girls are going upstairs, and you guys are going to stay down here. Okay? Good." 

Without waiting for approval, I headed upstairs after grabbing Kat and Devyn by the wrist to drag them with me. 

"What's your idea?" Kat asked once we were in Colby's room. 

I started to explain my plan....

Colby's POV      

"I wonder what they're planning," Sam said. 

"Me too," Corey said. 

"We should do something for M," Aaron said. 

"Like what?" I asked, sort of liking the idea of doing something nice for her. 

"I don't know," Aaron responded. "Maybe we could surprise her with her favorite food and take her and the girls shopping? Something fun, ya know?" 

We spent sometime thinking about what we could do to cheer M up a little bit. Soon, we all agreed on the plan. 

Malory's POV 

We had everything set up, and my plan was going to be brilliant. My plan might be a little mean, but I don't care. This is revenge for splashing us girls with water while trying to tan, and make trying to scare the shit out of me my first time at the house. 

We went back downstairs to tell the boys we were "going to sleep" so they would hopefully come upstairs with us. Luckily, they did. We all went our separate ways, and us girls waited for midnight to come. 

Once it came, we meet downstairs, grabbed our supplies and got to work, quietly, but efficiently. We put clear duck tape on all the doors to the bedrooms and put speakers in the hallway with Colby and Sam's room, and Jake and Aaron's room, but made sure the volume was all the way up. We put spare mouse traps we found in a closet on the stairs, and  we put about eight or nine rows of cups filled with white claw at the bottom of the stairs. 

Devyn and Kat connected their phone's to the speakers up stairs, and I connected mine to the one we left downstairs with us. We each pulled up the same video of a chainsaw sound effect, and we put our plan into play... 

Colby's POV 

I woke up to the sound of a scream and a chainsaw. I felt around my bed only to find the Malory wasn't there with me. 

Shit, I thought.     

"M!" I yelled as a got out of bed and ran to my door. 

I opened the door, but when I walk walking out, there was tape in the way and I got caught on it. 

What the fuck?!?, I thought. 

I saw Sam come out of his room, and the same thing happened to him. Tape to the face. We both heard another scream and a chainsaw noise, so we sprinted to the stairs, only to be met with a bunch of mousetraps on the stairs, and Corey, Jake, and Aaron standing there, trying to get down. 

"What the fuck is going on?" Sam asked, taking the words out of my mouth. 

"We don't know," Aaron responded. 

Just then, we heard the chainsaw again, and a bunch of screams. 

"Colby!" I heard M scream. 

"Fuck this," I muttered under my breath and sprinted to my room. 

I found the first pair of shoes I saw, a pair of slides, and put them on my feet as fast as I could. I quickly, but carefully, made my way downstairs, making a path for the rest of the boys. When I got to the last step, I saw a bunch of cups with something. 

"This has to be a prank," I heard Aaron say from behind me. 

Just then, we heard the two same noises. A chainsaw and screaming. I kicked the cups over, not caring about the mess I was making, and made my way to the living room, only to see the three girls laughing their ass's off. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!?" I exclaimed as I ran to M and engulfed her in a hug. 

"It was the revenge prank," She responded while giggling. "For dumping water on us and for Jake scaring me!"  

"Well," Sam started as he made his way to Kat. "It wasn't funny."

"We thought it was," Devyn said as she went over to Corey.     

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