Part 7

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Colby and I got into his car and drove to his house. The whole way there, we listened to music and made each other laugh with silly jokes. We pulled up to his house, and it is huge! It's literally a fucking mansion. I got a little excited to see everyone and go inside the house, but I was trying to keep my cool. I didn't want to embarrass myself. I went to open my car door when Colby grabbed onto my arm. 

"Listen," Colby said. "I know this is a little silly, but I'm giving you a little warning. We all do YouTube, as you know, and things can get a little crazy. I have no clue what we are about to walk into, but just know that you might walk into a prank." 

"Oh okay," I said. 

I got out of the car and grabbed my backpack. I waited for Colby to open the front door because I needed to have come sort of shield to protect me from the craziness. He slowly opened the door, and looked behind to me and put a finger over his lips, telling me to stay quiet. 

This caused me to giggle a little bit, and I quickly covered my mouth with my hand. Colby smiled slightly, and we walked further into the house. 

"Guys," Colby called out. "I'm back..." 

We walked into the living room, and there was still no sign of anyone. 

"It's quiet," I said in a whisper. 

"Yeah," Colby whispered back. "A little too quiet." 

We walked into the Kitchen, and there was still nobody there. We spent a good five to ten minutes walking around the house, trying to find anyone, but we soon came to the conclusion they were probably out and about running errands. 

"Let's go upstairs," Colby said. "They might be hiding up there." 

"Okay," I said as we stood up and made our way to the stairs. 

Colby lead the way and we walked to a room. 

"This one's mine," He told me as he opened the door. 

We walked in, and there were post it notes all over his room. 

"Was this an old prank?" I asked. 

"Yeah," Colby said. "But I've been too lazy to take them all down." 

I just laughed and sat on his bed. I pulled out my laptop and opened YouTube. 

"So," I said. "What is the first step to making a YouTube channel?" 

"Well," Colby started. "You first need a name. Then, you can come up with an aesthetic to make your banner for your channel. After that, you just need to give some information about yourself and the channel, and that's about it." 

"Oh, that doesn't sound too hard," I said. 

"Yeah," Colby said. "The hard part is the content." 

I laughed and we started working on my YouTube channel. Colby helped me find a good picture for my profile picture, and he also helped me make my banner. We were probably half way done when we heard noises in the living room. 

"Someone might be home," Colby said. 

We stood up and went downstairs. I was in front of Colby as we were walking downstairs, and I walked into the living room. The first thing I saw was a figure standing in the corner causing me to let out a little scream. I guess Colby got scared because he grabbed onto my hand softly. We heard the figure start to laugh, and they turned around. 

"Really Jake?!?" Colby exclaimed once he saw who it was. 

"Sorry, brother," Jake said. "But welcome to the mega prank war!" 

"Fuck you," Colby said with a small chuckle. "You scared the shit out of M." 

"Yeah," I said. "Thanks for that Jake." 

"I said sorry!" Jake exclaimed. 

"Sorry won't cut it," I said. "I'll just have to get you back." 

"Oh no," Jake said. "You do pranks too?" 

"I grew up with three brothers," I said. "I need ways to get them back." 

"I didn't know you had three brothers," Colby said, still holding onto my hand. 

"I do," I said matter of factly. "Two of them are older, but my younger one is like 15." 

"Dang," Jake said. "And you're like, what, 22?" 

"I'm 20 actually," I said, answering his question. 

"Damn," I heard Colby whisper under his breath. 

I didn't mention anything about it. It might just be the fact they thought I was a little bit older. 

"So you don't drink," Jake said hesitantly. 

"No, I do," I said. "Only around certain people though." 

"That's understandable," Colby said. "Would you drink around us?" 

"In the right situation," I said thinkingly. "Yeah, I would." 

We spent the rest of the night talking and getting to know everyone a little bit better. Sam and Kat showed up a little bit later to join us, and I was properly introduced to Kat, but Corey and Aaron never showed up. 

"Does anyone know where Corey and Aaron are?" Sam asked after a while. 

"I don't," Colby and I said. 

"I think Corey said something about going to Florida this week, but I don't know where Aaron could be," Jake said. 

"I'll call him," Sam said. 

Sam walked off for a few minutes and told us Aaron was at the gym, and Corey is in Florida with Devyn. We spent the rest of the day talking, and before we knew it, it was night.        

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