Part 27

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⚠️ Malory is going to have a nightmare about something Mike did in the past T.W. (The text will be in bold)⚠️ 

Colby's POV 

I woke up the next morning before M. She was cuddled up against me while I had my arms wrapped around her torso. The prank last night scared all of us boys, and we planned on getting the girls back, but we didn't tell them that. It was going to be a bigger surprise than their's was. I laid in bed with M, waiting for her to wake up, just playing with her hair and giving here light kisses on the head every now and then.  

About twenty minutes later, Malory started to stir around in her sleep. Almost like she was having a nightmare. I stayed where I was, starting to rub her back and whisper sweet things in her ears, trying to calm her down, but it wasn't working. 

Malory's POV 

"You're a pathetic bitch!" Mike yelled as he punched me in the face. "Do you know that? You're a pathetic bitch!" 

"Yes," I replied through a sob. 

"Yes, what?" He asked, still yelling. 

"I know I'm a pathetic bitch," I responded through another sob. 

"Good," He said as he spit in my face. "Now, stand up!" 

I did as he said and stood up. I watched as Mike left the room, but I didn't dare to follow him or even move. When he came back in the room, he had a baseball bat in his hand and a knife. I knew what was about to happen, and I didn't like it. 

"You're going to stand there," He told me. "And you're going to tell me how much you love me and answer any question I have. Got that Mal?" 

I just nodded my head. The next thing I felt was a big pain in my side. Mike had hit me with the baseball bat. 

"Use your words!" He yelled. 

He tugged at my arm, dropping the bat and grabbing the knife. I tried to fight and get my arm free, but I was too weak to do anything to affect him. He cut the word "whore" into my arm. I screamed and thrashed around, but it only made things worse. 

"Yes!" I screamed, answering the question from before once he was done torturing me for the millionth time. "I understand!" 

"Great!" He exclaimed. "Let's continue." 

I woke up, covered in sweat and tears. I took a deep breath before letting out a sob, trying to calm myself down.  

"Malory!" I heard Colby exclaim. 

He had his hands on my shoulders like he was trying to shake me awake. I immediately sat up and wrapped my arms around him, crying into his shoulder. 

"Shh," He whispered in my ear. "You're okay. I've got you. It was just a dream."

Colby held me in his arms and let me relax into him while crying. 

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked. 

"It was just a nightmare about something Mike did," I started. "But it was one of the worst ones I've had in a while. It was one of the times he just wanted to torture me for no reason. He hit me with a bat and carved words into my body." 

"What type of words?" Colby asked curiously, leaving a sweet kiss on my forehead. 

"Words like 'Whore', 'Slut', 'Bitch'," I told him, just listing a few. 

"I swear the next time I see him, I'm gonna kill him," Colby said, anger laced into his voice. 

"Colby, you can't," I said, making eye-contact with him. "First of all, it'll look bad for you and Sam. I don't want you to get cancelled because of me. Second of all, I want him to suffer like I did. I want him to have a long hard death in prison." 

"Well," Colby started. "If that's what you want, then I'll make that happen. But I still might throw one punch just because he has a very punch-able face." 

I just giggle and gave Colby a kiss. 

"Come on," Colby started. "Let's go get some breakfast and see what everyone wants to do today."  

"Okay," I responded. 

With that, we both got out of bed. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and made sure I looked semi-presentable, Colby doing the same. We went downstairs and we were met with a counter full of pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast, sausage, just about any breakfast food you can think of.

"What the hell?!?" I exclaimed. "What is all of this?" 

"We made you some breakfast," Sam said as he came to greet Colby and I. "Unless it tastes bad. Then, Jake made you the breakfast and the rest of us stood around." 

"You guys didn't have to do this," I told them. 

"Don't worry about it, M," Devyn said as we entered the kitchen. "We wanted to." 

"And once you're done eating," Colby said, stepping in front of me. "We have to be somewhere at 6:00 this afternoon, so you have all day to do whatever you want until six." 

"Where are we going?" I asked him as I made my plate of food. 

"It's a surprise," Colby said, grabbing a plate. 

"Ugh," I groaned. 

We all ate breakfast like the little family we have become. I was so excited for this afternoon. I honestly don't care what they have planned, as long as we all have fun as a group. Hell, we could be staying home and watching a rom-com for all I care. 

I've found my people. A friend group I want to hang out with for the rest of my life.    

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