Part 11

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"Alright," Colby said once I walked back to the living area of my apartment. "Everyone has been informed about the club tonight." 

"Good," I said. "It's going to be so fun!" 

"Yeah," Colby said, smiling back at me. 

"I should probably go back home so I can change into something better than this," Colby told me. 

He was wearing skinny jeans and a t-shirt. He definitely didn't look like he was going to a club, but he didn't look too bad either. 

"Okay," I responded. 

"Can I pick you up say," Colby started. "five thirty?" 

"Sounds like a plan," I said with a big smile on my face. 

"Good," Colby said. "I'll see you later then, M." 

"Bye Colby," I yelled as he left. 

Now I'm left with myself and my thoughts. I found the note from earlier and I read over it again. It was scary to know that I was basically an animal being hunted at this point. It was also scary knowing that he was out of jail and able to roam free. Well, in LA at least. 

I decided I was going to text Amy to see if she was going to the club tonight too. 


Are you going to the club with Will tonight?


Yea, are you?!? 

Yes. So is Colby, Sam, Jake, Corey, and the rest of them.


Did Will say it was okay?

He didn't say anything would happen if they did or didn't come...

Plus, Colby was already over and I really wanted them to come party with us.


Okay then...

See you later! 

See you later! 

With that, I took a quick shower. Once I got out, I blow dried my hair and curled it a bit so it would look a little nicer, and then I put on some light make up. I've never really been into make up, but I always wore a little bit so I didn't look too dead. I then looked through my closet, trying to find a dress. 

I chose a simple red dress that was a little deeper cut than I usually wore. It was spaghetti strapped with a open back. I found my pair of matching red heels and I switched from my usual purse, to a smaller one to match the dress. I put on some perfume and deodorant, then decided I would just chill on the couch until Colby got here. It was about five by the time I got done. 

I had only been sitting on my couch for about ten minutes before I heard a knock on my door. I took a deep breath and looked through the little peek hole. It was Colby. 

"Hey," I said as I opened the door. "You look nice." 

He was wearing black jeans, and a nice button down shirt, but he unbuttoned the first about three or four buttons. He had on his chain necklaces and rings, and his usual jewelry.

"T-thanks," He stuttered a bit. "You do too." 

"Thanks," I said. 

"Everyone's waiting downstairs," Colby said. "Well, everyone in our little group."

"Alright," I said. "Let me go grab my purse really quick." 

I quickly went back to my couch and I grabbed my mini purse. I walked back to my door and locked it before turning back around to face Colby. He was just standing there, staring at me. 

"What?" I asked, giggling slightly.

"Nothing," He said, smiling. "You just look beautiful." 

I blushed slightly at his comment. 

"Thank you," I replied. "You don't look too bad yourself." 

He let out a soft chuckle and said, " Come on, everyone is probably wondering why it's taking so long."

"To be fair," I said as we entered the elevator. "You did tell me five thirty. You're lucky I got done a little early." 

"I guess you're right," He said. 

The elevator came to a stop, and Colby led me to the group. 

"Girl, we look so good!" I heard Kat say as we walked up to the group. 

"Oh my god, Kat! I love your dress!" I exclaimed. 

She was wearing a tight fitted dress as well, but her's was a deep blue and it was long sleeved. 

"Thanks," She said. "I love your dress too!" 

"Thank you," I told her.  

"Everyone ready to go?" Sam asked. 

"Yes!" We all exclaimed. 

I gave Sam the address to the club Will had texted me, and we pilled into the cars. I was in Colby's car with him and Jake while Sam, Kat, and Aaron were in the other. 

"Is Corey still in Florida?" I asked Colby. 

"Yeah," He replied. "But he'll be back next week." 

"Oh, okay," I replied. 

The car ride there was filled with random conversation and a lot of laughing and joking around. When we got to the club, we all got out of the car and met up in the parking lot. 

"Okay," Sam said. "Who's going to be our dd?" 

"I'll be one," Aaron said. 

"I'll try, but I'm not making any promises," Jake said. 

Jake and I were both under age, but we had fake ID's to get us in. 

"Alright," Colby said. "And everyone has their ID's correct?" 

We all pulled out our ID's. Some fake, some not. Since most people call me M, I made sure the name on my fake ID started with an M. My "name" is Michelle Grace. 

"Let's go!" Kat exclaimed. 

We all made our way over to the entrance, and we handed our ID to the bouncer. I got in without any problems, but he took a second or two to let Jake in. The music inside was loud, and there were people everywhere. The smell of Alcohol filled my nose and I knew tonight was going to be fun.             

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