Part 30

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Turns out Kat just wanted to go to the mall. Which was definitely fun, but I would've rather stayed with Colby. 

You're moving too fast, a voice in the back of my mind said. But I just ignored it. 

I didn't care if we were moving too fast. We were living in the moment, and we are going to enjoy ourselves until we take our last breath. Me, Kat, and Devyn spent a little too much money, and a little too much time at the mall. I was able to vlog a little bit for my YouTube channel, so now I have my video for the week.   

My channel has been going extremely well considering it just started. And I know it probably just has something to do with Colby and Sam, but I'm just glad that everything has been going smoothly with it. 

As we were walking out of the mall, I was filming the outro to my video, when I noticed someone in the background. A certain someone who always seemed to be around at the worst times. Mike. 

"Hey girls," he said once I put my camera down. 

"Just keep walking to the car," I whispered to the girls as we picked up our pace. 

"I know you heard me you whore," He yelled. 

We just kept walking to the car and quickly piled in. Before Devyn backed up, Kat and I made sure there was nobody around, and luckily there wasn't. 

"M, he's in the car behind us," Kat said as we pulled out of the mall. 

I looked back, and Kat was right. He was driving his beat up black ford truck. 

"I'm calling the police," I said as I got my phone out. 

I quickly dialed 911 and the phone rang. 

"911, what's your emergency?" A lady on the other line said. 

"Umm, Hi. Me and my friends were at the mall and this guy was bothering us in the parking lot. He's now following us and we don't know what to do," I told the lady.

"Can you see their licences plate number?" She asked. 

"Yes, it's 789KFC8," I read to her. 

"Okay," The lady said. "We are gonna track his location and send someone to help you, is there somewhere other than where you live you can lead the stalker to?" 

"Umm, we can lead him to the Target not too far from here," I told her. "It should be about 5-10 minutes from the mall." 

"Okay, we're sending someone your way," She told me.

"Okay, thank you," I said. 

"If you get there and there is no police car, call again and someone will be there within 5 minutes," She told me. 

"Okay, thank you so much," I said. 

"You're welcome, glad to help," She said, then hung up. 

"M," Kat said. 

"What?" I asked, worriedly. 

"He's not following us anymore," Kat said. 

Colby's POV 

I was sitting in my room working on editing for the new Sam and Colby video coming out next week, when I head my door opening. I look up from my computer and see Sam. 

"Hey man, what's up?" I asked. 

"Umm," Sam hesitated. 

"What?" I asked worriedly. 

"The girls got in a bad car accident. I just got a call from the hospital," He told me. "Kat and Devyn are fine. They have a few scratches and -"

"What about Malory?" I interrupted. 

"She's in bad condition," He said. "The car that hit them hit the passenger side where M was sitting and she stopped breathing for a little bit."

Without a second thought, I get up and put on my shoes. Not bothering to make sure they are tied correctly, and run down the stairs. I think Jake said something, but I couldn't hear. I was too focused on getting to the hospital. I grabbed my keys from the hook and went to my car. I got in the driver side and Sam go in the passenger. I hadn't even realized he was following me until now. 

"Which hospital?" I asked him. 

"Just start driving, I'll tell you which way to go," He said. 

We made record time getting to the hospital in five minutes instead of the ten minutes it usually takes. When we walked in, we immediately saw Kat and Devyn. Sam ran to Kat while I went to the front desk. 

"Hi, how can I help you?" She asked me. 

"Umm Hi," I started. "There should be a girl named Malory. She was in a car accident. I was wondering if I could see her." 

"Let me look in the system to see her current status and I'll let you know," She said. "Could I take a name?" 

"Colby Brock," I told her. 

"Alright," She said, "I'll call you over." 

"Thank you," I said, then went over with Kat and the others. 

"Are you guys okay?" I asked Kat and Devyn. 

"Yeah," They both responded. 

"Mike found us at the mall," Kat said. "He followed us and we called the police but then he disappeared and we didn't know where he went and then all of a su-"

"Baby," Sam interrupted. "Calm down. Breathe." 

Kat took a deep breath before continuing. "He followed us out of the mall in his truck and M called the police. She told them the situation and they said they would send someone to help us and we could meet them at a Target not too far from the mall. M got off the phone and Mikes truck had disappeared." 

"It was so fucking weird," Devyn said. "He disappeared and reappeared in, like, 2 seconds, and then he rammed into us from the side where Malory was sitting. Then, the car flipped and landed upside down. Kat and I were able to get out, but when we got to M, she was barely breathing and we had to drag her out of the car." 

"She stopped breathing," Kat said with tears in her eyes as Sam held her. "The ambulance got there and she stopped breathing when they got her on the stretcher." 

"Mr.Brock," I heard from the front desk. 

I quickly made my way over. 

"You may see her now, but only two people at a time," She told me. 

"Thank you so much," I responded as I made my way back to the group. 

"The lady said we could see her two at a time," I told everyone. 

"Go ahead brother," Sam said. "I'll wait here and make sure that everyone knows what's going on." 

"Shit," Devyn said as she stood up and began walking to the entrance. "I need to call Corey." 

"I'll keep you guys updated,"I said as I walked toward the desk. 

"What room is she in?" I asked. 

"She is in room 340," The lady told me. 

"Of course," I muttered under my breath. "Thank you."          

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