Part 35

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The ride home was silent. Nobody spoke, but nobody knew what to say. What they saw tonight was a lot. It was traumatizing to just look at. 

"I-I'm sorry," I spoke up when we were almost home. "You guys shouldn't have had to see that." 

I was still a little shaky and my mind was somewhere else, but I felt the need to apologize for what happened tonight. I know it wasn't my fault, but I still feel like it is. These people wouldn't have to do this if they had never met me. If I hadn't invited them into our hotel room that one night. 

"No, M," Kat spoke up. "We're sorry. You went through all that alone in that horrible house. I know everyone wishes we would've met you sooner so we could've helped you." 

I look back at Kat. Everyone was super sweet, but Kat was a different kind. She would tell you she cared about you no matter what was going on. She would support you through everything and she would help you get through the toughest times. 

"Thank you," I say as my eyes well with tears.

"Of Course," Kat responded with kind eyes and a small smile. 

"It's gonna get better, M," Sam spoke up. "Mike's been caught and put back in jail so you don't have to worry about him anymore." 

"Speaking of not having to worry about Mike," Colby said as he looked toward me for a second. "The group came to a decision that we need to go on a trip together. We said we would let you choose where you want to go and we could figure it out from there." 

"Really?" I asked no one in particular. "You guys have done enough. We don't need to take a trip."  

"But we want to," Brennan said. "And, Colby said he wanted to treat you once you were out of the hospital." 

"But I don't know where I want to go," I said as I thought. 

"Well, you don't have to know right now," Colby said as he chuckled a little. "Just let us know when you've decided." 

I nod my head and think the rest of the way home. Once we get there, I sit in the car for a second. 

"You okay?" Colby asked, rubbing my shoulder. 

"I'm..." I think for the right word. "Recovering." 

"Okay," Colby said in a comforting tone as he nodded for everyone else to get out of the car. "Just know that you have people here who care about you very much and would do a lot to protect you. And I love you a lot. I would do absolutely anything for my girl." 

"Thank you," I say as I hug him, hiding my head in his shoulder and crying slightly. 

"Of course, Baby," He said and kissed the side of my head. "Let's go inside. Do you wanna lay down or hang out a little? How are you feeling?" 

"I feel a little sore, but I don't think I want to sleep yet," I told him. "I wanna hang out and make sure everyone is okay."

"Okay," He told me. "Whatever you wanna do." 

We both got out of the car and we found everyone in the living room. When everyone noticed me, all the girls got up and ran to me, giving me a big group hug. I don't usually care for hugs too much, but this one was too sweet to pass. 

"Thank you guys," I say as the girls return to their seats. "Y'all didn't have to do that and you all were sweet the whole time. I couldn't ask for a better group of friends."

"We're here for you, M," Jake said. "But you owe me some McDonald's for tonight."

I giggle a little. "Okay, that's fair."  

"Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" Corey suggested. 

"Sure," I responded. 

"What do you want to watch?" Aaron asked. 

"I don't really care," I said as I sat with Colby. "Whatever is fine with me." 

Everyone decided we would watch Rim of the World on Netflix since it was supposed to be kind of funny. It was for kids too, so we knew it couldn't be too scary. I laid my head on Colby's shoulder and watched the movie for a little while, until I felt my eyes get heavy. I eventually fell asleep. 

Colby's POV 

I look over slightly and realize M is asleep. I don't mind, and I lay my head on top of hers for a little bit. The movie was cute and was funny, so I'm glad it was a good way to end the night. 

Something felt wrong though. I couldn't tell what it was, but something was missing. Or maybe something was on the way. Whatever it is, I try to ignore it, but I can't shake the feeling. 

Mike is in jail. He can't hurt M, I think to myself.  

That's the only thing I think it could be.

"You good man?" I hear Sam ask. 

"Yeah," I say. "Something just I don't know what it is, but something doesn't feel right." 

"Do you think you're just a little on edge right now?" He asked. 

"No, I don't think it's that," I respond and think. "It's probably nothing." 

Just then, we hear a phone ring. I feel for my phone in my pocket, and the phone ringing isn't mine. It's not Sam's or Corey's or Jake's. Everyone checks their phones and we find M's ringing on the table. I pick it up and see an "unknown number" on the screen. 

"M," I nudge her a little. "Someone is trying to call you." 

"Just ignore it," I hear her groan. "If it's important they'll leave a message or call back." 

I turn her phone off and put it back on the table and return to my position on the couch with M's head on my shoulder. 

Her phone rang again. 

"Will you get my phone for me?" She asked as she picked up her head. 

I grab it off the able and hand it to her to answer. 

"Hello?" M asks the person on the other line. 

I watch as her face drops.     

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