Part 32

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I get to leave the hospital today and Colby promised to take me to Tender Greens. The past few days have been fucking hell. I haven't been able to get out of bed, I've had wires and tubes removed and added to my body, and I've been feed more hospital food than I would've liked to consume.  

Colby stayed with me the whole time though. Never leaving me once unless I asked him to or I sent him to get something. Sam, Kat, Devyn, Corey, and everyone else made visits here and there, but I never let them stay for too long. They didn't need to take more than thirty minutes out of their day for me. I'm sure it annoyed the shit out of them but I don't really care. 

"Are you ready to leave?" Colby asked me.

"No," I responded sarcastically. "I think I like this bed better than yours." 

"Fine, you can stay longer then," Colby said as he turned to leave. 

"No!" I exclaimed. "Come back! Save me from this hell!" 

"Okay, okay," Colby said, chuckling a little bit. 

He and the nurse helped me into the wheelchair they got me even though I insisted I didn't need it. However, when I tried to stand, I only made it a few feet before I got lightheaded. The nurse said it was normal and might happen a lot during the next few weeks. Yay me. 

Once I was in the wheelchair, Colby wheeled me out to the car and helping me into the passenger side seat.  

"You're all set," The nurse said. "If you feel any serious pain anywhere, come back and we'll check it out for you." 

"Thank you," I said. 

"Of course," She responded. "It's what I do." 

With that, she took the wheelchair back inside, and Colby drove off to Tender Greens. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked me. 

"I feel a lot better," I told him. "A little nervous to be in the car, but I think I'll be fine." 

Colby took my hand in his. 

"If you want I can drop you off at home and go get some tender greens," He suggested. "I was probably gonna get it to go anyways." 

"I think I'll be fine," I told him, a smile on my face. 

"Okay," He said, smiling back. "Just making sure you know there's options." 

We made it to Tender Greens and Colby got out to get our mobile order we set on the way there. I sat in the car waiting for him to come out, when I saw Will approaching the car. I rolled down the window. 

"Hey," He said once he got closer. 

"Hello Will," I replied. "What would you like to tell me?" 

"I heard you were in an accident," He said. "Amy told me." 

"What about it?" I asked. "It's not like you care." 

"You stopped breathing, M," He exclaimed. "You should've died!" 

"But I didn't," I said. 

Just then, Colby came out and put the food in the back seat before acknowledging Will.

"Hello, Will," Colby said, standing beside my window.   

"Colby," He said. 

"Listen, Will," I started. "If you're only gonna care about me when I have a near death experience, then just stop caring. It was a one time thing and it's probably never gonna happen again. Now, back away from the car because I want to go home and sit on the bed and watch movies all day." 

With that, Will walked away and Colby and I left Tender Greens. 

We got to the Trap House and everyone rushed out when they say the famous Corolla pull into the driveway. I've never felt so popular before. Sure, it was because I almost died, but I still can't help but feel a little special. 

"Welcome home," Sam said when Colby opened my door. 

"Thank you,"  I said. "For everything. And keeping Colby sane." 

"Of course," He replied. "Do you guys need any help?" 

"I think we're good," Colby answered. "Maybe try to get everyone inside. We might take a little bit getting in the house." 

"Alright," Sam said as he turned around. "You heard the man. Inside!" 

With that, everyone piled inside the house and gave me and Colby some space. Once we were sure that everyone was inside, Colby gave me a sweet kiss. 

"I love you," He said. 

"You do?" I asked in shock, not realizing I asked it out loud. 

"Why wouldn't I?" He started. "You're so sweet and caring. You are always up for an adventure and you are always yourself. I guess I realized that you could die at any time, and I thought I would never get to tell you. But I am so in love with you Malory Grey. And I hope over time you find that you feel the same." 

"Colby," I said in awe. "Of course I feel the same way. I love you so much words can't describe it. You stayed in the hospital for almost a week just to make sure I was okay and had everything I needed. Nobody else I know would do that for me. Not even my own parents or brothers." 

Colby gave me another kiss, grabbing the sides of my head and pressing our heads closer together. 

"Let's get you inside," He said once he broke away. 

"Okay," I responded. 

After much struggling and stopping so I wasn't too lightheaded, we finally made it inside. The only problem is that Colby's room is upstairs, and I can barely walk seven feet to the front door. 

"Get on my back," Colby said. 

"What?" I asked in shock. 

Colby squatted in front of me and picked me up on his back, giving me a piggy back ride. 

"Colby, stop," I said. 

"Why?" He asked, heading towards the stairs. 

"Because I'm heavy and you gonna fall over with the extra weight," I said. 

"M," He sighed. "You're exaggerating." 

Colby made the travel up the stairs and took me to his room. He gently sat me down on his back and leaned me up against his bed frame. 

"I'm gonna go get our food really quick," He informed. "Are you good here?" 

"Yep!" I exclaimed. "I lied in the hospital room though. I like your bed way more." 

Colby just chuckled as he left the room.  

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