Chapter 27 | PHASE TWO: Suffering

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DOUBLE UPDATE!! First chapter over 3,000 words and second over 5,000!! I hope you all enjoy!

Don't forget to comment and vote! I read every single comment, so emotion away! 😂👏🏾



One week later

It's been an entire fucking week since Raiden told me to leave his doorstep and I have slowly been losing my shit ever since.

The stupidness of this distance, this silence, this awkwardness between us was only causing even more pain to radiate throughout my entire frame. The fact that Raiden seemed to be unaffected by the whole thing only made it that much worse.

I was suffering alone and it sucks. . .

Shaking my head as I lean against the steering wheel of my car, the rays of the sun shining through my windshield, the warmth doing absolutely nothing to ease the pain.

It was like somebody has set my entire body aflame and everytime I thought someone would come to save me, that somehow an extinguisher to this madness would control it all and stop it. . . The extinguisher slipped through my hands and instead was replaced with gasoline, igniting the flame even further.

I didn't realize that Raiden was the extinguisher and my dumbass was the gasoline. . . I didn't realize that I was causing my own pain.

I didn't even realize how truly upset he was with me until about the third day.

I had been sleeping across the street from his condo in my car and everytime he came outside to bring his trash cans to the edge of the complex, I would rush out of my car to try and talk to him.

However he quickly grew tired of me constantly trying to talk to him and apologize, especially by the third day.

I'd crossed one of his boundaries because I was so desperate for his touch but unfortunately for my dumbass, Raiden wasn't as desperate as I was so he commanded me to stay away from him.

That day, I couldn't think straight during the pack meeting. I was such a fucking wreck, I ended up pouring myself some coffee and spilled it all over my pants, I bit into my fucking hand instead of my apple and I even walked into a few walls.

It was torture, pure fucking torture.

I really didn't understand how much the bond would wreak havoc on me like this, how much I would physically need Raiden.

I knew that if I wasn't such a terrible mate, he wouldn't have left me and for some reason, my brain decided that after the pack meeting had concluded, I should rush over to his condo and try to apologize again.

I parked where I usually did, across the street and waited for Raiden to come outside at his normal time to go on his morning runs and before I could stop myself, I got out of my car, tackled him to the ground and just held onto him like a fucking creeper.

Raiden tried to pry my body from his but I pleaded with him to just hear me out and let me just fucking explain everything.

Well then he roared — that powerful ass roar that held nothing but rage behind it as my entire body went stiff under the pressure of it.

Raiden shoved my body from his and then stood up, dusting himself off and helping me off the ground, lowering his face just enough to where his lips were mere inches from mine.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora