Chapter 90 | PHASE SIX: New Alpha

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The rewrite will have 100 chapters in total and but will be removed in February, completed or not due to publication issues.

On REAM - the Kindle version will be uploaded with all of the changes, upgrades and additions to the story.

I am no longer on Patreon.

If you're not familiar with Ream - go to my BIO. There you will find step by step instructions on how to join and how to get the app on your phone ( if you have an IPhone )

The Kindle version will be uploaded to Kindle on February 14, 2024. . . And this book will be split up into 3 seperate books. So the first book, Chapters 1-33 will be posted to Kindle on the release date listed above.

I have 5 books coming to Kindle between the months of January & April 2024❤️

Until tonight, my love has already been posted to Kindle. The formatting is awful but it's there lmao!



The decision was in. Aunty Sophie could stay in the pack but Garrett and Theo had to go. Brother or not, cousin or not, there was no getting around their crimes and the fact that they knew the entire time. They had to go and hopefully Goddess has mercy on their souls.

Currently it's 5am and the Kingdom Guards have just arrived. Dad linked the immediate family a few hours ago to be ready to witness one of the best things we would ever see. Dad and King Kano welcomed the Kingdom Guards at the pack gate entrance and then escorted them to the area we all were waiting.

I stood next to Raiden's family while Taj, Bennett, Gabe, Avery, Hunter and our magical family members stood outside the cells.

"Goodmorning everyone, the warriors behind me are my Kingdom Guards and they will be transporting your prisoners to the cells in the Kingdom, where they will await their punishments." King Kano announces before looking at two of the guards and motioning them to step forward.

"This is Beau and Derrick for all who don't know," King Kano introduces the men I was already well accustomed to. "Derrick is the Beta King and Beau is the Gamma king. They will be helping with the transport from inside the cells and into the transport vehicles."

I noticed the little look they gave each other.

"For anyone wondering, yes Beau and Derrick are mates, but their secret is safe with me as I'm sure it will be safe with you all and if you ever need anything else in the Kingdom and I'm unavailable, you can always reach out to either one of them." King Kano then motions for Weheil to come to him, which the elf did, happily. "Beau, Derrick, this is Weheil. He's a light Elf, he lives here in the Shadow Pack and he's my mate." King Kano smiles down at the sassy Elf, as do the other two men after their initial shock.

"It's good to meet you, My King." Beau bows.

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence, My King." Derrick bows.

Weheil blushes before hiding his face into King Kano's side and nods to the men that have formally greeted him. I'd never noticed how shy Weheil actually was, I wondered if that was just an elf thing or a Weheil thing because his brothers, Vizceryn and Quiweeme aren't shy at all.

"Or maybe that's just the way he flirts in the face of really handsome men." — Maddox offers with a little chuckle.

After introductions, I slipped Roman's arm around my shoulders because he had the nerve to drop it and I watched King Kano, Dad, Beau and Derrick go down into the cells.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now