Chapter 88 | PHASE SIX: Summoning

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The rewrite will have 100 chapters in total and but will be removed in February, completed or not due to publication issues.

On REAM - the Kindle version will be uploaded with all of the changes, upgrades and additions to the story.

I am no longer on Patreon.

If you're not familiar with Ream - go to my BIO. There you will find step by step instructions on how to join and how to get the app on your phone ( if you have an IPhone )

The Kindle version will be uploaded to Kindle on February 14, 2024. . . And this book will be split up into 3 seperate books. So the first book, Chapters 1-33 will be posted to Kindle on the release date listed above.

I have 5 books coming to Kindle between the months of January & April 2024❤️

Until tonight, my love has already been posted to Kindle. The formatting is awful but it's there lmao!



One week later

It took time, a lot of it and a lot of patience, but Raiden finally seemed to be doing better. This morning he'd actually gotten out of bed himself, showered, washed and brushed his hair and gotten dressed.

He still hadn't spoken much and didn't want anyone else to touch him except me but he did leave our bedroom this morning and went looking for some food in the kitchen. It might not have been much to outsiders looking in, but we all could see that he's made some good fucking progress and I'm counting my blessings.

Just him being willing to move by himself, take care of himself and feed himself was a win in my book.

Roman and Reland offered to stay behind with him in the packhouse this morning while I went to meet my Dad and Adonis in the underground cells which I was grateful for because Raiden wasn't ready to be around anyone else just yet.

Funny enough, there used to be a time when I couldn't step foot in a cell or a hallway lined with the fucking things, but ever since saving my mate from that damned castle, my fear had morphed into this powerful sense of self while down there.

The nausea didn't last, the fear didn't cripple me and the anxiety didn't stop me. It was like my brain had now associated that fear with something else, turning into something else and I was grateful for it because what I could feel from the other side of the door that led to the dungeon, there was something bad happening down here.


As soon as Alaric opened the first of many doors, the scents of my family and Raiden's hits me.

After walking into the last door of the cells, another scent wafted through my nose - an all too familiar scent - as I come to a stop in front of the door that led to the dungeon area.

Opening it, I take in my surroundings. Dad, Adonis, Emilio and Layla were spread throughout the dungeon room. Along with Eva, Maxx, Quiweeme and Weheil.

I didn't see Taj or Bennett or the other felines for that matter. And I didn't see Vizceryn either.

My eyes immediately find a table full of devices I could only describe as torturous.

The moment Dad and Adonis step aside, I see a man chained to the wall. His arms hoisted above his head, his legs spread wide enough to be able to kick a set of very important jewels. His face littered with blood and when I look down at Dad and Emilio's hands, I know why.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( 𝐌𝐱𝐌 ) [ DARK ROMANCE ]Where stories live. Discover now